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400 Traditional Tile Designs in Full Color (Dover Pictorial Archive)

DOC 400 Traditional Tile Designs in Full Color (Dover Pictorial Archive) by From Dover Publications in Arts-Photography


Over 750 detailed; high-quality illustrations from rare 19th-century sources: suits of armor; chain mail; swords; helmets; knives; crossbows and other implements; along with scenes of battle; soldiers; horses; artillery and more. Especially suitable for projects requiring a medieval or old-fashioned flavor; these illustrations will fill a myriad of needs for battle-related graphic art.

#2894712 in eBooks 2013-07-02 2013-07-02File Name: B00DBO35WM

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Unknown Garciacute;a Lorca playsBy LaCuervaEveryone knows Garciacute;a Lorcas tragedies (Blood Wedding; Bernarda Alba; Yerma); but his earlier plays; sometimes tragic and sometimes comic; are just as intense and beautiful. "The Shoemakers Wonderful Wife" is the story of a young woman married to an older man; who discovers that she loves her husband only when he has left (but he does come back). "Don Perlimplin" and "Don Cristoacute;bal" have aspects of commedia dell arte; but all these plays are extremely Spanish; full of word play and folklore.The "Butterfly" and "Five Years" tend more toward vanguard theater; and they may not be as attractive to readers who do not know Garciacute;a Lorca. But he is always interesting to those who love theater.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Pilar TlachiThe Evil Spell of the Butterfly is my favorite0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. "Death disguises itself as Love."By Bernie (xyzzy)Lorcas plays are as interesting as Lorca himself is. This is the one of the few publications that I could find containing "The Butterflys Evil Spell." I have seen two versions of the play and cannot wait for another. However just reading this play will being images of life its self to you and you can visualize what it would be like as a beetle-poet in love with a butterfly.You will find yourself quoting many lines.Lorca: A Dream of Life

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