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APC Case Book: Casework Illustrations for General Practice Candidates

ebooks APC Case Book: Casework Illustrations for General Practice Candidates by Austen Imber in Arts-Photography


This engaging and accessible book examines the world of seven contemporary; popular American women writers and their individual use of wit as a subtle and effective strategy to engage; or "control"; the reader. A chapter is devoted to each of the seven writers - Lisa Alther; Rita Mae Brown; Nora Ephron; Shirley Jackson; Alison Lurier; Grace Paley; and Anne Tyler - and discusses their writings and their use of wit in the context of their lives. An opening chapter frames wit and control in psychological realities; and a concluding chapter summarizes the power of wit. A bibliography of the writers works is also included; making this an ideal introduction and companion to these writers and their works.

#3502922 in eBooks 2013-09-13 2013-09-13File Name: B00FDR4RQI

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. OrigamiBy M. EasterbrookWonderfully printed book with complete instructions. The objects seem original and very inspiring. I enjoy have the triangle; square; black diamond ratings so one knows what to expect and maybe better off tackling the simpler models first and not getting so discouraged in trying the black diamond. The video is very helpful and is so useful in learning how to interpret the instructions. I still have trouble with the 2D pictures and then working with 3D paper model(and why doesnt mine look like the picture?).I encourage more people to try Origami. You will appreciate what masters some of these authors are; and what a good brain exercise with just a piece of paper and instructions. Car airbags and NASA satelites are folded by origami experts. Try buying a package of sandwich wrappers (they are a good size and already square); buy wrapping paper and cooking parchment for a variety of sizes and textures and spend some time with the wonder of how a flat piece of paper can be transformed into multilegged creatures. You might wonder about life starting with a single; uniform cell and becoming living creature.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. SublimeBy Colin Morell"Origami Odyssey; a Journey to the Edge of Paperfolding" by Peter Engle is a wonderful book. Living up to "Folding the Universe" (Engles previous Origami tome; a landmark work in technical difficulty and philosophy in western paperfolding); or supassing it; is a difficult task for any Origami artist and author yet Engle accomplishes both. Engles models in this book; especially the leaves; encompass the true heart of Origami. The models remind the viewer immediately of the real leaf; creating recognition of nature; a spark of life. The models would appear simple (how difficult can a leaf be?); but are actually very complex. In this way the models mirror the real world; where the biological processes involved in the evolution and growth of a leaf are varied and incredibly complex. Engle has perfectly captured the paradox of Origami; simple designs with incredible complexity; artificial constructs that pay homage to the natural world; strict confines in medium (one uncut square) in which the entire universe can be folded. Kudos Mr. Engle.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. PleasedBy Xander Dominick ArenaI dont have a lot of time for folding these days; but found some space to fold the "waves" design from the book this evening. My wife said it made her feel like she was at the ocean... which was a nice touch after having really enjoyed the model so much. The waves model drew me back to earlier writings regarding origami as fractal forms; and I found it very cool to have them shaped into a model. Though much of the text is reminiscent of "Angelfish to Zen"; it was a nice recap; and I particularly like Engels discussion of origami as transformative art in the beginning.Looking forward to learning the sun/moon and sea turtle during some later venture.Origami Odyssey is beautifully bound; and very well put together. Well worth it; IMO.

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