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Animals in the Classical World: Ethical Perspectives from Greek and Roman Texts (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series)

ePub Animals in the Classical World: Ethical Perspectives from Greek and Roman Texts (The Palgrave Macmillan Animal Ethics Series) by A. Harden in Arts-Photography


Il testo in italiano tradotto da Ettore Romagnoli e la versione originale in greco della tragedia di Euripide che narra il tentativo di Agamennone di sacrificare la figlia Ifigeniacute;a alla dea Artemide affincheacute; i venti tornino a spirare e la flotta possa proseguire il proprio viaggio verso Troia. Ifigeniacute;a arriva accompagnata dalla madre Clitennestra pensando di essere destinata in sposa ad Achille; scoperto linganno; le due donne si ribellano ed Achille nello scoprire che il suo nome era stato usato per un atto tanto infame; minaccia vendetta. Alla fine; Ifigeniacute;a comprendendo limportanza della spedizione decide di sacrificarsi comunque e verragrave; salvata dalla dea Artemide la quale la fa scomparire inviando al suo posto una cerva.

2013-09-24 2013-09-24File Name: B00GAZYJT2

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Lenses through which to perceive cinemas present and futureBy EarlThis extremely passionate defense of the value and continued life of cinema makes for a very thought-provoking read. Some explanations beg for a slower more careful rereading; and you are rewarded with some enlightening ideas for doing so. Perhaps the biggest shift a student of film has to make to appreciate this work is presented early in the book; namely that Casetti is coming from a experiential perspective in his approaches and his definitions. This is not to ignore other aspects but rather to incorporate the those other aspects (such as technology) into a new working understanding of cinema that keeps it alive at the same time that it transforms both itself and its history.This is definitely a work that will reward multiple readings and is rich in references to stimulate further reading and thought.Reviewed from an ARC made available by the publisher via NetGalley.

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