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Architecture and Order: Approaches to Social Space (Material Cultures)

ebooks Architecture and Order: Approaches to Social Space (Material Cultures) by Michael Parker Pearson in Arts-Photography


Architecture is a powerful medium for representing; ordering and classifying the world; and understanding the use of space is fundamental to archaeological inquiry. Architecture and Order draws on the work of archaeologists; social theorists and architects to explore the way in which people relate to the architecture which surrounds them. In many societies; houses and tombs have encoded cultural meanings and values which are invoked and recalled through the practices of daily life.Chapters include explorations of the early farming r archi*eye of Europe; from before the use of metals; to the Classical and Medieval worlds of the Mediterranean and Europe. Research of the recent past and present include an overview of hunter-gatherers camp organization; a reassessment of the use of space amongst the Dogon of West Africa and an examination of mental disorders relating to the use of space in Britain. The volume goes beyond the implication that culture determines form to develop an approach that integrates meaning and practice.

#2931247 in eBooks 2003-09-02 2003-09-02File Name: B000PMG3NG

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful. The source for understanding polyhedra as a base for structuresBy Brodys NanaIm an architect and a creator of 3D structures based on 3D polyhedral iterations. This has become my bible for researching; exploring; understanding and creating new solids to be used for furniture; building structures; vases and containers.I have several books on this subject; this one is without question; the best work on this subject that I have ever encountered. The images; photos sketches and wireframes are plentiful and profound.Bravo to the publisher.3 of 21 people found the following review helpful. What a wondfull book for morden Architectors!By Jae young LeeThis is nice book for a geometrical design of morden architect

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