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Architecture in Words: Theatre; Language and the Sensuous Space of Architecture

PDF Architecture in Words: Theatre; Language and the Sensuous Space of Architecture by Louise Pelletier in Arts-Photography


What if the house you are about to enter was built with the confessed purpose of seducing you; of creating various sensations destined to touch your soul and make you reflect on who you are? Could architecture have such power? This was the assumption of generations of architects at the beginning of modernity.Exploring the role of theatre and fiction in defining character in architecture; Louise Pelletier examines how architecture developed to express political and social intent. Applying this to the modern day; Pelletier considers how architects can learn from these eighteenth century attitudes in order to restore architectures communicative dimension.Through an in-depth and interdisciplinary analysis of the beginning of modernity; Louise Pelletier encourages todays architects to consider the political and linguistic implications of their tools. Combining theory; historical studies and research; Architecture in Words will provoke thought and enrich the work of any architect.

#3209393 in eBooks 2006-09-27 2006-09-27File Name: B000OI19Q2

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy maria mReally comprehensive study!3 of 5 people found the following review helpful. The only photo is on the covers.By JulianThe only photo is on the covers.

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