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Art; Space and the City

ebooks Art; Space and the City by MALCOLM MILES in Arts-Photography


Public art - the making; management and mediation of art outside its conventional location in museums and galleries; and the livable city - a concept involving user-centred strategies for urban planning and design; are both socially produced but have emerged from different fields and tend to be discussed in isolation.This book applies a range of critical perspectives which have emerged from different disciplines - art criticism; urban design; urban sociology; geography and critical theory - to examine the practice of art for urban public spaces; seeing public art from positions outside those of the art world to ask how it might contribute to possible urban futures. Exploring the diversity of urban politics; the functions of public space and its relation to the structures of power; the roles of professionals and users in the construction of the city; the gendering of space and the ways in which space and citizen are represented; the book explains how these issues are as relevant to architecture; urban design and urban planning as they are to public art. Drawing on a wealth of images from across the UK and Europe and the USA; in particular; the author questions the effectiveness of public art in achieving more convivial urban environments; whilst retaining the idea that imagining possible futures is as much part of a democratic society as using public space.

#2797808 in eBooks 2005-08-16 2005-08-16File Name: B000PMGJ2G

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Inexpensive and Worthwhile Perspective LessonsBy Rogue Bandit of BogSimplistic; old school lessons on perspective that are still relevant and applicable to any drawing; painting; or hand rendered creations.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Small but don`t let size fool you.By Dan HopkinsA small book but well written; it covers the basics without being bogged down unnecessarily. It is best for someone new to perspective; but might be a good refresher for more experienced artists. Recommended!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Basic compositional stuffBy Jason WickhamThis book is a great guide that touched all the beginning basics with respect to drawing with perspective spacing and content. Very straight forward illustrations and plain direct content that provides an understandable reason for each tip given

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