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Art and the Performance of Memory: Sounds and Gestures of Recollection (Routledge Studies in Memory and Narrative)

ePub Art and the Performance of Memory: Sounds and Gestures of Recollection (Routledge Studies in Memory and Narrative) by Richard Caacute;ndida Smith in Arts-Photography


This book investigates the role that the visual and performing arts play in our experience and understanding of the past. Expanding upon longstanding concerns in cultural history about the relation of text and image; the book highlights the distinction between enactive and cognitive memory and the implications of this for artists and their publics.

#2691236 in eBooks 2003-08-29 2003-08-29File Name: B000PSJ9WM

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. lLindbergh book a great source for local history.By cleeIt had great photos and it was all i expected; there were good details and local color. it sold out quickly in the area (Hopewell) and was well written and informative. i would recommend it to friends and find it to be a valuable historical book for our collection.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. COOLBy Meghani looked every where for this book; great price!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy CustomerExcellent!!

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