Essay aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Kunst - Kunstgeschichte; Universitauml;t Konstanz; Veranstaltung: Rigorosum; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Einerseits ermouml;glichte die verbesserte wirtschaftliche Lage weiteren Oberschichten der Gesellschaft; sich der Kunst zu nauml;hern und dadurch sich selbst ouml;ffentlich kundzutun. Andererseits hatte sich das Interesse von einer in ihren Grundzuuml;gen fast erstarrten traditionellen Kunst der Buch- oder Wandmalerei auf eine eher lebenswahre Darstellung der bunten Wirklichkeit verlagert. Das heiszlig;t; die Portrauml;tierung war nicht lauml;nger ein Herrscherprivileg.
#2128828 in eBooks 2012-08-01 2016-02-11File Name: B00BIPMGEE
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Lists PID theories; posits another that is unsubstantiatedBy Anthonys MomThis is a well-constructed book that sets forth the predominant versions of the Paul Is Dead theory; and in this capacity; it is thoroughly researched and referenced. It is; however; pretty dry if youve heard these theoretical constructs before. Then; in lawyerly fashion; the author goes on to present the arguments against each theory; and here; in my view; is where the book fails. Cartocci maintains throughout the book that there is "something there" in the PID clues; but perhaps to leave room for his OWN minimally substantiated theory presented at the end of the book; he dispenses with every clue in a mostly unsatisfying fashion. There is one fact in the book that I had not heard before; but theres a connection between it and the Discover channel which is known for kiboshing "conspiracy theories" with strange arguments. So even that tidbit is suspect.The approach Id like to see taken in PID literature would be based on facts that we absolutely know. We do NOT know Paul died in 1966. However; our eyes; when our beliefs stop meddling with them; tell us that different people have played the role of Paul; and all mainstream sources deny this. An adult does not look like and behave like a totally different person by virtue of growing a mustache or aging a few months. Even if you believe there was merely some surgery done; why would a man in his 20s; considered beautiful the world over; put his face under the knife and weird mustaches? We need the reason. Nor does the throaty singing voice of an English smoker become higher; smoother; and Scottish without further explanation. (Listen to "Here; There and Everywhere" which sounds not even remotely like Paul.) And did Paul have a soul-ectomy between his bluesy recording of "Kansas City" and his spot-on-if-inadvertent impersonation of a goat in "One After 909"? We are told Paul had gotten into LSD by this time. Does LSD make you square? I had not heard so!Nor does a friendly chap who positively glowed as he shared a single mic with a band-mate become a pushy; despised "Im running this" egomaniac in a matter of months just because a manager dies. Heres a question: We know Lennon had a great big ego. Why did he let Paul become the leader of the band between Revolver and Sgt. Peppers? What happened? Brian Epstein had not yet died; so thats not it. We have to keep digging.We dont know why Paul was replaced; but we can put together a chronology of when each replacement appeared; how long he stayed; and what was going on at the time - and I mean band interviews; mysterious deaths of people they knew; the works. Lets start with that and dig super-deep. I believe if we stick with what we know; the truth will be less elusive.1 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Engrossing readBy James HeringtonI must say; this book was extremely fascinating. This rumor has been spreading for many years and the author did his research an indepth study of the "Paul is dead" hoax. I will leave the rest of the story to the reader. I will definitely recommend this to any Beatle fan