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Balinese Gardens

ePub Balinese Gardens by William Warren in Arts-Photography


With dozens of beautiful photographs and extensive text; this Malaysian art book is a testament to the skill and spirituality of Malaysias traditional woodcarvers.Wood has always played a significant role in the Malay world; including the Malay Peninsula; as a means of shelter; livelihood; comfort and convenience. Among the living arts of Malaysia; woodcarving is one of the oldest; and for centuries woodcarvers enjoyed a prestige that few others did. A master woodcarver was not simply an artist. He had a mystical affinity with his material; and through his art he could unlock; channel and enhance the semangat; or life force; inherent in the wood. His works ere sought after not only for their beauty; but also for the symbolic power and meaning they embodied; in particular the keris; considered the pinnacle of woodcarvers art.Each of the pieces in this catalog of Malaysian art illustrates a specific motif; use of a pattern or form; or interpretation of a legend. The woodcarvings range from extremely important and rare pieces; such as royal ceremonial objects; to wood panels; household objects and elements of traditional Malay architecture.

#2000851 in eBooks 2012-11-27 2012-11-27File Name: B00AHEZK8Q

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. here is a great book by ProfBy Joongwon LeeAnyone who had suffered writing a clear research paper in the discipline of architecture; or;anyone who had hard time understanding the differences between architectural design and architectural research; or;anyone who had sought to understand systematically the systems of inquiry in architecture; designing research methodsin architecutre; clear reasoning and argumentation in architecture; here is a great book by Prof. Groat and Prof. Wang.The book is basically divided into two parts. The first part provides the theoretical background of architectural research methods;and the second part provides various case studies on different architectural research methods.In the first part of the book; reasoning methods (inductive method/ deductive method/ abductive method I II) are wellarticuated theoretically and how they apply in architectural discipline. Researchers paradigmatic stance (postivist/postpostivist;intersubjective; constructivist) is articulated in relation to there ontological (research reality); epistemological (researchersrelatioship to research reality); and reasoning patterns methods. Standards of quality argumentation and evaluation iswell articulated as well in the first part of the book.In the second part of the book; seven types of research methods (historical; qualitative; correlational; experimental;simulation; logical argumentation; and mixed) are well presented and argued.If a prospect reader is allergic to philosophical terminology or advaced academic reasoning:Read the second part of the book first and then read the first part of the book.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Also the book is good and usefulBy Amar HoxhaShipper was very quick in responding to my request to ship the product ASAP. The product was shipped quickly and was as described. Also the book is good and useful; especially if you are enrolled in the MArch program and take Research Methods.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Good bookBy David B AllbrittonThis book is a good resource for architectural research. Covers a great deal information and maintaining the focus around what is important for the topic. I would recommend it to anyone needing assistance in this subject area.

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