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Berklee Music Theory Book 2

ebooks Berklee Music Theory Book 2 by Paul Schmeling in Arts-Photography


The Minds Ear offers a unique approach to stimulating the musical imagination and inspiring creativity; as well as providing detailed exercises aimed at improving the ability to read and imagine music in silence; in the "minds ear." Modeling his exercises on those used in theater games and acting classes; and drawing upon years of experience with improvisation and composition; Bruce Adolphe has written a compelling; valuable; and practical guide to musical creativity that can benefit music students at all levels and help music teachers be more effective and inspiring. The book also provides provocative ideas and useful tools for professional performers and composers; as well as offering games and exercises to serious listeners that can increase their musical understanding and level of engagement with music in a variety of ways.

#595614 in eBooks 2011-05-01 2011-05-01File Name: B00EXO7C1E

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Want to be a comedian? Know someone who does? BUY THIS BOOK!By J. M. R.Bravo; Joe! First; this book; itself; is very funny. It didnt have to be; so theres free money right there!Im so glad that this book is out there; and I really wish that it had been around 24 years ago and that an aunt; or a parent or a guidance counselor had bought it for me or showed it to me. Yes; success and failure are up to you and the fates; but this book brilliantly shows you the nuts and bolts of many different forms of comedy; and most importantly it tells you that: COMEDY IS A CAREER ... not some kind of Phantom Zone that you can pray your way in to. COMEDY IS A CAREER. IT IS ACCESSED THROUGH PRACTICAL ACTION and a ton of work. And those practical steps are outlined here more clearly than in any book before.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. I enjoyed the take and perspective presented in the bookBy Eddie ZimmermanAs an amateur comedian; I enjoyed the take and perspective presented in the book. It gave me insight into another persona and presentation of material.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Inspiring; fun readBy Benny the BallHow to books are never easy; as you are writing to a broad audience; and many feel either left behind or too far ahead. What Joe Randazzo does well; especially considering the broad spectrum of content covered; is inspire the reader to try. Finishing the book left me wanting to do as much as possible; and to bring a little less cynicism into what I do currently do; and what I plan to do in the future. Great fun; great interviews; and; most importantly; great message.

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