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Berliner Lokalberichterstattung in der bdquo;Vossischen Zeitungldquo; zwischen 1800 und 1871: Die bdquo;Vossische Zeitungldquo; als herausragendes Berliner Lokalblatt (German Edition)

ePub Berliner Lokalberichterstattung in der bdquo;Vossischen Zeitungldquo; zwischen 1800 und 1871: Die bdquo;Vossische Zeitungldquo; als herausragendes Berliner Lokalblatt (German Edition) by Marius Lange in Arts-Photography


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Kunst - Architektur; Baugeschichte; Denkmalpflege; Note: 1;5; Martin-Luther-Universitauml;t Halle-Wittenberg (Institut fuuml;r Kunstgeschichte); Veranstaltung: Hauptseminar: Der Magdeburger Dom I; 10 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Diese Hausarbeit beschauml;ftigt sich mit der Baugeschichte des Magdeburger Doms anhand des Bauwerks; d.h. es wird der Versuch unternommen; anhand der Betrachtung der Architektur verschiedene Bauetappen und Phasen zu erfassen.Dass dies nicht immer einfach ist und auch heute in der Forschung immer noch zu Kontroversen fuuml;hrt; soll ebenfalls gezeigt werden.So beginne ich mit einer Baubeschreibung des ottonischen Baus und seiner heute noch vorhandenen archauml;ologischen Reste. Fuuml;r dieses Kapitel musste auf historische Quellen zuruuml;ckgegriffen werden; da eine Baubetrachtung nicht mehr mouml;glich ist.Der zweite groszlig;e Abschnitt beschauml;ftigt sich mit der rein formellen Baubeschreibung anhand der architektonischen Kriterien; wobei diese im dritten Anschnitt nauml;her erklauml;rt und gedeutet werden.Zum Abschluss soll der Versuch unternommen werden; Bauabschnitte festzulegen und einige Fragen aufzuwerfen; die in nauml;chster Zeit noch zu diskutieren sind. Die Festlegung der Bauabschnitte erfolgt in Interpretation primauml;r der Architektur und sekundauml;r von historischen Uuml;berlieferungen.

#4078537 in eBooks 2007-07-23 2007-07-23File Name: B00CO7BQ6O

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Too strange...By Peter J. OrvettiI enjoy a wide range of types of plays; and have a fondness for the avant garde; but I found most of these plays impenetrable. I know Churchill is a polarizing playwright; and I can see why. "Owners" and "Vinegar Tom" were my two favorites from this collection. The surreal "Traps" was hard to get my head around -- I could not quite visualize it in my head; so I was not fully able to appreciate it. "Cloud Nine;" which I understand is considered one of Churchills greater works; did not do it for me at all. The sexual; racial; and temporal confusion of the characters was a baffling muddle.7 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Amazing playsBy scharlThis collection of Caryl Churchills early plays is astounding. Tony Kushner rightly calls her the best playwright currently writing and these plays immediately make that clear. Churchill is an unabashedly feminist playwright whose work addresses issues of power and gender throughout history. Writing in the 1960s and 1970s; her plays are experimental; politically motivated; and ideologically challenging. They are also brilliantly clever; innovative; shocking; and often darkly funny."Owners" is the most straight-forward selection here and centers around real estate agents in working-class England. "Traps" explores some similar issues of working-class England but approaches them from a more lyrical; less structured way; Churchill prefaces the play by explaining that it does not conform to the limits of reality; but is ruled by the imagination. This becomes more clear as the play progresses; and the final moments of the play--wherein all of the characters take turns bathing in a washtub onstage--take on a beautiful; almost hallucinatory quality.I skipped over "Light Shining on Buckinghamshire" and went straight to "Vinegar Tom;" which is a brilliant account of the English witch hunts. Churchill presents the play from a feminist perspective; focusing on the plight of various women who are victimized by witch-hunters. Like Millers "The Crucible;" Churchill argues that sexual hysteria; repression; and misogyny were the driving forces behind witch hunts; Churchills spare; stark play is considerably more cutting; more shocking; and more bleakly funny than Millers."Cloud Nine" is undoubtedly the highlight of this volume and stands as one of the most remarkable plays of the last 50 years. Act One takes place among a family of English colonists living in Africa during the Victorian Age; Act Two is set in 1970s England. Churchill brilliantly and devastating exposes the various levels of sexual and racial oppression in both time periods; she also radically suggests casting male actors as female characters; white actors as black characters; adult actors as children; etc. to reveal new ways of understanding the complex relationships within the play. In addition to its gripping plot; "Cloud Nine" addresses issues of feminism; racial identity; homosexuality; and oppression more cleverly than perhaps any other play of its time.These plays are highly recommended for any reader interested in modern drama or gender studies. They are complex but still highly accessible and less experimental than Churchills later work.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy PKExcellent condition

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