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Bildnis des Federico da Montefeltro und der Battista Sforza von Piero della Francesca: Eine Betrachtung im Kanon der florentinischen Portrauml;tmalerei des 15. Jahrhunderts (German Edition)

DOC Bildnis des Federico da Montefeltro und der Battista Sforza von Piero della Francesca: Eine Betrachtung im Kanon der florentinischen Portrauml;tmalerei des 15. Jahrhunderts (German Edition) by Sylvia Meier in Arts-Photography


Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Kunst - Malerei; ; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: passer CatulliAm Beispiel des verschollenen Gemauml;ldes bdquo;Lesbia mit dem Sperlingldquo; von Anselm Feuerbach wird gezeigt; dass es nicht nur einen Weg in die Moderne nach der Abspaltung der Kunst von der offiziellen gab; der bekanntlich zu ihrer vollkommenen Autonomie fuuml;hrte. Ein zweiter Weg begann schon mit dem deutschen Kuuml;nstlerbund der Nazarener in Rom und verzweigte sich zu den englischen Prauml;raffaeliten. Kennzeichnend ist die Abkehr von akademischen Paradigmen wie naturalistische und illusionistische Raumkonstruktion und Farbgebung. Im Gegensatz zu Kuuml;nstlern der beginnenden Moderne - wie die des Impressionismus -; die sich auch von den sbquo;klassischenrsquo; Themen der Malerei aus Mythologie und Geschichte verabschiedeten; blieb ein anderer Teil beim alten Themenrepertoire. Die englischen Maler des viktorianischen Zeitalters verfeinerten auf der Grundlage der franzouml;sischen Salonmalerei dieses Repertoire und fuuml;hrten es zu einem sbquo;Hyper-Illusionismusldquo;. Die Nazarener; die Prauml;raffaeliten und die spauml;ten Deutsch-Rouml;mer hielten ebenso weiterhin am klassischen Repertoire fest; durchbrachen jedoch - besonders Mareacute;es und Feuerbach - die akademischen Paradigmen und wurden zu bdquo;Suchern des Innern im Auml;uszlig;erenldquo; (Kandinsky). Ihre Werke sind gekennzeichnet durch den Willen; die Sachinhalte nicht gauml;nzlich zugunsten der Forminhalte aufzugeben. Diese in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts mit aller Macht aufbrechende Diskrepanz louml;st sich im 20. Jahrhundert erst im Werk von Paul Klee auf.

#2881455 in eBooks 2010-02-19 2010-02-19File Name: B00C7JXEZK

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Highly Recommended - Full of Interesting Info and Pictures on Sea TurtlesBy Small~Town~GirlMy great nephew and I love to read together. He is five and absolutely adores learning books and quoting facts; already! I figured this series of ldquo;101 Super Fun Facts and Amazing Picturesrdquo; books would be an excellent choice for us to enjoy together. I ordered the eBooks on each of these subjects: Snakes; Penguins; Sea Turtles; Spiders; Dolphins; and Dinosaurs. He loved each of these books.I thought we would just sit down and read all of these books; all in a row; but these are substantial books; so we did two per sitting/day and this worked out well for his age. Despite them being long books with a lot of information for a 5-year-old; he enjoyed them each and they held his interest the whole time; even with a bit of fidgetiness toward the end. He loved choosing the order we read them in and enjoyed each of the subjects equally as much as the others. These books could be written just for him and his interests. There is a lot of information in them and we both learned a lot. I can definitely see us revisiting each of these books over and over in the future; soaking up a little more of that info each time; which is excellent. I have a feeling he will be quoting the facts he learned in these books to his sisters and parents quite a bit.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Great Fun Fact ebook that is offered for free. Check out other Janet Evans books in this series that are also offered for freeBy ElizabethThis ebook is offered for free right now so at that price its definitely a 5 star review. ....But even if it wasnt; it would be at least a 4 star reviewing depending on the price.I really like this book because its just like the title says...101 Super Fun Facts. My kids love Fun Fact books. The pictures are wonderful (at least the ebook ones that I see on my computer and iPad.) It would be nice is there were more though. I would say this inst a little kids picture book. It is perfect for my 2nd and 4th grader and I even had fun reading all the fun facts in this book too!You can click "Look inside" on the main product page on and see the first few pages of the book. This will give you a good idea of the format of the book.The book is broken down into 7 chapters. The first chapter is called "What are Sea Turtles" with about 26 fun facts. The other chapters are different types of turtles including the green sea turtle; hawksbill sea turtle; the loggerhead and the leatherback. Each of the turtles has about 15 fun facts related to that specific turtle.So all in all a great book especially for free!!Janet Evans has other books 101 Super Fun Fact books that are offered for free as well. She has some about bears; snakes; spiders and dolphin. I havent read them all yet but they pretty much follow the same format. You cant go wrong if you can grab them for free. They are great to have on my iPad as quick reads or boredom busters.***** I received this book for free in exchange for my honest review. *****2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Great Researching! Fantastic Book on Sea Turtles!By Nicholas HodgesI love sea turtles. They are very fascinating creatures. From a far and possibly within an aquarium; sea turtles are very intriguing to watch as they swim. The sea turtlesrsquo; history and life span are appealing to young readers; both boys and girls and to those who are interested in studying marine biology. Therefore; I would highly recommend this book to students in grades 3-8. This is a wonderful; factual accounting of six sea turtles. The book is full of engaging facts that are incredibly stimulating. I personally learned several new impressive facts. The text is easy to read. However; I wish the layout of the word spacing and columns were more consistent and easier on the eyes. I love the pictures. Unfortunately; I think the pictures are too small. They should be larger. Additionally; when the pictures are enlarged; by the reader tapping on the picture; the clarity of the sea turtle diminishes. Also; I wish for more pictures of all of the highlighted captivating sea turtles.Now given that this is the kindle version; the hardback version may very well be different. Irsquo;ve noticed how different kindle books are to paperback; especially when it comes to pictures and picture quality.I received this book at a discount for my open; honest; and unbiased review.

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