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Bildwiederholungen bei Giorgio de Chirico (German Edition)

ebooks Bildwiederholungen bei Giorgio de Chirico (German Edition) by Marco Hompes in Arts-Photography


Professor Maischs Werk gehouml;rt zu den Standards zur griechischen Altertumskunde.Inhalt: Einleitung. sect; 1. Begriff der griechischen Altertumskunde.sect; 2. Die Quellen der griechischen Altertumskunde I. Abschnitt.Land und Volk von Hellas. sect; 3. Orographie des europauml;ischen Hellas.sect; 4. Hydrographie.sect; 5. Klima und Pflanzenwuchs.sect; 6. Gaben des Bodens.sect; 7. Bedeutung des Landes fuuml;r die Kultur seiner Bewohner.sect; 8. Vorgeschichte der Griechen.sect; 9. Ausdehnung und Gesamtname des Griechentums.sect; 10. Die griechischen Stauml;mme. II. Abschnitt. Sparta. sect; 11. Geschichtliche Grundlagen der Verfassung Spartas.sect; 12. Periouml;ken und Heloten.sect; 13. Die Spartiaten.sect; 14. Das Kouml;nigtum.sect; 15. Die Gerusie.sect; 16. Die Ephoren.sect; 17. Die Volksversammlung.sect; 18. Die spartanische Zucht (sup3;Eacute;sup3;reg;).sect; 19. Heerwesen und Kriegfuuml;hrung. III. Abschnitt. Athen. sect; 20. Die altattische Phylen- und Geschlechterordnung.sect; 21. Das Kouml;nigtum.sect; 22. Uuml;bergang vom Kouml;nigtum zur Adelsherrschaft.sect; 23. Das Rechtswesen; geschriebene Gesetze; Drakon.sect; 24. Die wirtschaftlichen Verhauml;ltnisse des 7. Jahrhunderts.sect; 25. Solon.sect; 26. Die Tyrannis des Peisistratos.sect; 27. Die Begruuml;ndung der Demokratie durch Kleisthenes.sect; 28. Die Vollendung der Demokratie nach den Perserkriegen.sect; 29. Erschuuml;tterung und Wiederherstellung der Demokratie. (411-403.)sect; 30. Die Demokratie von 403 bis auf die Diadochenzeit (323).sect; 31. Der attische Staat in der Diadochenzeit und unter rouml;mischer Herrschaft.sect; 32. Die Elemente der Bevouml;lkerung.sect; 33. Die Volksversammlung.sect; 34. Der Rat der Fuuml;nfhundert und der Rat vom Areopag.sect; 35. Die Beamten.sect; 36. Die neun Archonten.sect; 37. Die Gerichtshouml;fe.sect; 38. Die Formen der ouml;ffentlichen Klage.sect; 39. Der gewouml;hnliche Prozeszlig;gang.sect; 40. Das Verfahren vor dem Areopag und den andern Blutgerichtshouml;fen.sect; 41. Attische Lauml;ngen-; Flauml;chen- und Hohlmaszlig;e.sect; 42. Das Muuml;nz- und Gewichtssystem.sect; 43. Die allgemeine Finanzlage.sect; 44. Einnahmen und Ausgaben.sect; 45. Die Leiturgia (Staatsleistung).sect; 46.

#4492928 in eBooks 2010-12-27 2010-12-27File Name: B00BSD8USM

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. 1-act monologue by Tony nominee Domingo weaves classic soul music recordings in script- Print edition needs some "punctuation"By Steve RammThis one-man; one-act play by Philadelphia-born Tony-nominated (for " the Scottsboro Boys") actor has been professionally staged around the world and will have its Philly "main stage" premiere next month (May 2014) at the Philadelphia Theatre Company. Im really looking forward to it and; in preparation; I got this newly published script. Though the play premiered at the Vineyard Theater in New York it is the Tricycle Theatre production in the UK that is the basis for this volume."A Boy and His Soul" (ABAHS) is a best described as "a monologue with recorded music"; since it is just the actor - in this case; and in the Philly production; Domingo - on stage playing various characters; as needed; accompanied by a "soundtrack" of classic sol recordings. (At the beginning of the printed "script" Domingo has listed the requisite recordings. These classics (Marvin Gate; Diana Ross; Teddy Pendergrass and Jeffrey Osborne - whose name is misspelled as Osbourne; because; I guess; the British always add the "u") fade in and out at the appropriate moments in the show.The reviews of the stage production have been great and Im looking forward to seeing it on stage; but reading the print version can be a bit of a challenge. Its not the length of the text - it runs just 52 pages of dialogue - but the formatting of the printed volume. Yes; there are some grammatical errors (especially punctuation) but this is a "dialogue" play and so there is lots of "slang". But words are capitalized in mid-sentence that shouldnt be and quotation marks are often missing or inserted where they make no sense. I found myself having to "read aloud" at a slow pace (and even re-read full pages - to understand what was being said (and which character was saying it).The story revolves around Domingo and his family. He has a mother and a stepfather plus two siblings he interacts with (plus other relatives and some friends). He visits the family home in West Philly (now being sold) and finds the old vinyl record collection still there. This is the jumping off point for Domingo to tell us how music (not just "soul music" either) infiltrated his life. He reveals the moment that he revealed that he is gay and how his family responded. We never learn about his education or how he discovered that he wanted to be an actor. This short play is all about the music.So; yes; Im impressed by his writing - and anxious to see him play the multiple "voices" on stage - but I felt that the print version could have used more of an "Editors touch" to get the punctuation in a more reader-friendly form. Hence; the reduction of this volume by one star; to four stars.I hope you found this review both informative and helpful.Steve Ramm"Anything Phonographic"

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