Irish theatre is a global phenomenon and has always been so: it has never confined itself to the island of Ireland. This collection - the first in the Irish Theatrical Diaspora Series - brings together the work of leading scholars to explore the place of touring in Irish theatre both inside and outside the country. It opens new perspectives for anyone interested in the place of Irish theatre in the world today.
#1497705 in eBooks 2013-02-19 2013-02-19File Name: B00BBUM9V6
2 of 4 people found the following review helpful. incredibleBy Janet W. Bajanif i were in charge of educational curriculums in the country this would be required reading.this amazing book not only showed me the impact of print culture human learning; it; perhaps more importantly; showed me what human learning was like BEFORE the ability to standardize texts through warned: its dull as dirt.42 of 43 people found the following review helpful. A superb introduction to the effect the printing press has hBy Ari DavidowWe have come to forget that the introduction of the printing press by Gutenberg mattered; or we have come to assume that it directly led to the Protestant Reformation. Eisenstein wondered how true that was; and what other changes the press wrought in European society in the couple of hundred years after the press was introduced. Start with the concept of authorship--once books could be reproduced in quantity; authorship mattered. Then consider the question of alphabetization and indexing. Then think of what happens when travel writers describe native dress--people start believing the books and variations become more extreme to meet the printed word. Thats just the beginning. Eisensteins book is not just an incredible work; well written; about the effect on our culture of the printing press. It is also the sort of book that makes one realize how unimaginable and vast the influence of any invention can have on a society. This book is critical for media studies; history; printing; typography; just to better understand our own society; or for the pleasure of a good; thorough; read.2 of 4 people found the following review helpful. An authentic historical account of role of printing presses in early-modern EuropeBy Dr Anup K DasIn book "The Printing Press as an Agent of Change" author Elizabeth L. Eisenstein narrates theoretical and practical dimensions of communications and cultural transformations in early-modern Europe. This book is divided into three parts: (p.1) Introduction to an elusive transformation; (p.2) Classical and Christian traditions reoriented; Renaissance and reformation reappraised; (p.3) The book of nature transformed. This book contains specific chapters on aspects of history of printing technologies in early-modern Europe. Printing presses helped the European Christian missionaries to spread Christianity; biblical thoughts and philosophies in continents across Asia; Africa and Latin America. This book also narrates anecdotes of formation of scientific societies and royal academies across the European countries for strengthening scientific research.