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Black South African Women: An Anthology of Plays

ebooks Black South African Women: An Anthology of Plays by From Routledge in Arts-Photography


This is the first anthology to focus exclusively on the lives of Black South African women. This collection represents the work of both female and male writers; including national and international award-winning playwrights. The collection includes six full-length and four one-act plays; as well as interviews with the writers; who candidly discuss the theatrical and political situation in the new South Africa. Written before and after apartheid; the plays present varying approaches and theatrical styles from solo performances to collective creations. The plays dramatise issues as diverse as: * womens rights * displacement from home * violence against women * the struggle to keep families together * racial identity * education in the old and new South Africa * and health care.

#2556151 in eBooks 2006-01-16 2006-01-16File Name: B000OI19R6

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. GARDEN HISTORY/Tom TurnerBy Aristotle DipteronGARDEN HISTORY is a very comprehensive text about the evolution of gardening styles; it is not a coffee table picture book. Turner details the political; social; and philosophical milieus of each gardening period to explain the rationals for the gardening phlosophies of the periods. The only drawback of GARDEN HISTORY is that it lacks a glossary. Turner is well versed not only in landscape terms; but also in architectural terms. Without a glossary; I was often forced to stop reading and search the internet; which broke the continuity of my thought and my learning. GARDEN HISTORY is generously illustrated; but the illustrations could have been larger for clarity of details. GARDEN HISTORY is; all-in-all; an excellent book.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Garden history by Tom TurnerBy Heather ForwardThis is a seriously good book for anyone studying the history of landscape. The text is well researched and written and the diagrams he uses throughout really helpful in understanding the design themes. Highly Recommended

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