De Austin Kleon; el autor de la coleccioacute;n de poesiacute;a Newspaper blackout.Roba como un artista presenta diez principios que ayudaraacute;n a los lectores a descubrir su lado artiacute;stico y a tener una vida mucho maacute;s creativa.Nada es original; dice el autor; asiacute; que mejor acepta las influencias; instruacute;yete en el trabajo de los demaacute;s; reimagina y mezcla tu propio camino. Encuentra un pasatiempo que ames y convieacute;rtelo en tu trabajo: escribe el libro que te gustariacute;a leer y la peliacute;cula que te gustariacute;a ver. Y pues; ya sabes: no te endeudes; come sano; actuacute;a con sentido comuacute;n; iexcl;y atreacute;vete a ser aventado y osado!No importa si eres un artista graacute;fico; musical o de oacute;leo; un artista de alguacute;n deporte; un escritor; pintor o disentilde;ador... la creatividad se escapa faacute;cilmente de cualquier mente. Soacute;lo necesitas los diez pasos de Austin Kleon para poner en orden desde tu mente hasta tu escritorio y recuperar la creatividad y la confianza en aquello que creas.iquest;Las diez cosas que necesitas para desatar tu creatividad?:1. Roba como un artista.2. No esperes hasta saber quieacute;n eres para poner las cosas en marcha.3. Escribe el libro que quieres leer.4. Usa tus manos.5. Los proyectos extras y los hobbies son importantes.6. El secreto: Haz un buen trabajo y compaacute;rtelo.7. La geografiacute;a ya no manda.8. Seacute; amable. (El mundo es un pantilde;uelo).9. Seacute; aburrido. (Es la uacute;nica forma de trabajar.).10. Creatividad tambieacute;n es restar..
#2833704 in eBooks 2002-11-18 2002-11-18File Name: B00BL1PAHK
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. This is a great book for Early to Late Intermediate piano soloes; this level seems to be hard to find.By Myrna G.I purchased this book in the early summer to learn how to play Abide With Me. It is lovely. I have yet to play any of the other pieces but other books have taken precedence over this book due to pieces that I prefer. This book is for early to late intermediate students and is great for that 3rd or 4th year of study. Other songs are: Fairest Lord Jesus; God Will Take Care of You; In the Garden; Just As I Am; Old Rugged Cross etc. The pieces are great for students in the early 3rd or beginning 4th year. I am happy to own the book an shall play more from it in the future.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. These well-written solos of traditional hymns are great for anyone who plays music in churchBy JanaThese well-written solos of traditional hymns are great for anyone who plays music in church. They are not too difficult for high school students.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four StarsBy Holly Joersgreat resource! My son is practicing to play out of this book for church-thanks!