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Brecht regista: Memorie dal Berliner Ensemble (Italian Edition)

PDF Brecht regista: Memorie dal Berliner Ensemble (Italian Edition) by Claudio Meldolesi; Laura Olivi in Arts-Photography


Fetish Style traces the history; forms and tendencies of sub-cultural fashions that are popular in both mainstream and alternative fashion cultures. Presenting the world of subcultural fetish clothing design in all of its richness and beauty; this book explores the idea of fetish as subversive and repressive as reflected in clothing choices in people of all ages and cultures. Linking the fetishistic aspects of contemporary culture with everyday clothing as dictated by fashion and merchandizing; Fetish Style presents a fascinating study of historical as well as 21st century subcultures. Case studies include the Japanese-influenced tribes of the various Lolita formations; the Shotaru (male Lolita); the club scene; the Goths; the hip-hop fashions and other locally-formed fetishized practices.Fetish Style will be key reading for anyone interested in fetish fashion both past and present.

#3775563 in eBooks 2013-07-06 2013-07-08File Name: B00DTJSY6Q

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A monstrously funny book.By David Gordon DuckerMonstrously Funny Cartoons is for anyone who likes to draw. The book covers a somewhat disturbing; yet humorously presented; topic that may not be suitable for the very young. Sensitivity to the maturity level of the young artist is suggested as the the book deals with such topics as death; the dead; contorted bodies; and worms and insects protruding from the head - and all that is in just the first few pages. While the cartoons are suitable for most ages; the texts reading level and Chriss humor suggest at least a middle school or high school audience.The book is about monster cartoons; and as Chris teaches drawing techniques it is always how the techniques applies to the monsters. So Chris will discuss techniques for drawing monsters eyes and mouths; not eyes and mouths in general. If you are looking for a general book on cartooning then Chriss Modern Cartooning would be a better choice. Monstrously Funny Cartoons should appeal to three groups of people; pre-teens and teens wanting a book about drawing monsters; cartoonist wanting a reference book of ideas for drawing monster cartoons; and parents or grand parents wanting a suitable book for their budding artist.Monstrously Funny Cartoons is divided into eight chapters: zombies; vampires; monsters; aliens; mummies; legendary monsters; weird bizarre and backgrounds. Each type of monster is introduced and their key features are emphasized. This is followed by a number of step-by-step drawings of well chosen character types. Many of the characters are family members; teens or teachers in a high school or family settings. A typical example is a younger sister drawn as a zombie. Chris is a master at developing these characters and the step-by-step drawing are easy to follow. In some books Chris included polished drawings often in color. In Monstrously Funny Cartoons Chriss drawing are more like cleaned up pencil sketches; very similar to what the reader would draw. There are also numerous drawings that emphasize particular details and a number of rough sketches that show how the character concept was created. This is all combined with a text brimming with humor and jokes about high school situations; teachers and families making for a enjoyable and informative read. Working through the book and drawing each step-by-step drawing a few times along with studying Chris suggestions will no doubt improve your drawing skills and your drawing of monsters will impress friends and family.One of my concerns when teaching kids to draw is that they tend not to want to use the construction (step-by-step) technique but rather draw an outline/contour drawing which is a much harder technique to master. Chriss books and especially his YouTube channel are especially useful in over coming this. Chris show the entire process of good drawing techniques. His weekly videos emphasize the drawing of each step and he is constantly erasing and making changes as the drawing develops. This excellent modeling of technique is combined with a running commentary which is as enlightening as it is entertaining. Chriss YouTube channel is kid friendly with all posted videos being suitable for would-be cartoonist of any age.Monstrously Funny Cartoons is highly recommend and will provide many hours of enjoyable entertainment. Combined with regular visits to Chriss YouTube channels and the young or older cartoonist alike should show real improvement in their drawing skills.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. I love this book :]By shaiI love this book very much . First of all its really funny as it should be and its really easy to follow.The drawings are wonderful and really good and the Themes of the book covers in a great way this wholeworld of zombies; vampires monsters and all the other great creatures . The last chapter of the book is my favorite because it shows how to take these wonderful creatures in a funny situations and very easy good layouts .I highly recommend this book to everyone . This is another excellent book from a great and talented Writer and artist.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Just in time for HalloweenBy doodlesChristopher Harts new book does not disappoint . Plenty of fun drawings broken down into their basic parts; with some good tips to help add some punch to the drawing. All art is about practice; as with any "how to draw" book you will have to do your part. The lessons are easy to follow and the simpler line art style lends itself well to learning. The green border around the pages adds to the fun feel of this book. All the drawings and print are easy to follow and read. Remember to stay loose;keep practicing and have fun.

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