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Building Leaders; Living Traditions: The Memorial Student Center at Texas AM University (Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students; Texas AM University)

PDF Building Leaders; Living Traditions: The Memorial Student Center at Texas AM University (Centennial Series of the Association of Former Students; Texas AM University) by Amy L. Bacon in Arts-Photography


The only way not to be a heroine; a martyr; a victim; is to make myself an accomplice; a collaborator. Communist. Jew. Revolutionary. Lover. Mother. Olga Benarios story is a searing tale of survival as alongside her fellow prisoners she struggles to hold onto her disintegrating sense of self. Based on real events of the 1930s-40s focusing on Benarios time in Brazil and Germany; this gripping play was the first work by one of Europes foremost contemporary dramatists; Dea Loher; and was originally performed in 1992. After their highly successful run in Luxembourg City; Speaking in Tongues bring the English-language world premiere to London.

#3141118 in eBooks 2009-04-20 2009-04-20File Name: B00AVU3SLW

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. I am glad LeCorbusier never built a city where all the roads ...By Chuck SatchwillI am glad LeCorbusier never built a city where all the roads would be underground and watering cans would be illegal. A very strange man.4 of 5 people found the following review helpful. ONE OF THE CLASSIC BOOKS BY A KEY MODERN ARCHITECTBy Steven H ProppThe French architect Le Corbusier (1887-1965; born in Switzerland as Charles Edouard Jeanneret) wrote this book in 1929; in which he proposed what he called the "Radiant City." Unlike Ebenezer Howard (Garden Cities of To-morrow) and Frank Lloyd Wright (The Natural House); Corbusier supported industrialization and the machine as inevitable; glorified plain skyscrapers ("New York is wrong; but the skyscraper remains a noble instrument"); while enthusiastically supporting modern engineering methods and the use of synthetic building materials.He begins the Foreward by stating; "A Town is a tool. Towns no longer fulfil this function. They are ineffectual... A city! It is the grip of man upon nature. It is a human operation directed against nature; a human organism both for protection and for work. It is a creation." He asserts that town planning "is bound to become one of the burning questions of the day." "The city of to-day is a dying thing because it is not geometrical. To build in the open would be to replace our present haphazard arrangements; which are all we have to-day; by a uniform lay-out. Unless we do this there is no salvation. The result of a true geometrical lay-out is repetition." He concludes; "Therefore the existing centres must come down. To save itself; every great city must rebuild its centre." Rather than wasting time by commuting to the city; each apartment block would contain services such as child care and food preparation.His philosophy of efficiency and simplicity in form and functionality (perhaps exemplified in his prefabricated apartment buildings; and predilection for reinforced concrete) were highly influential in the United States (he was one of the architects who designed the United Nations building; for example); as well as elsewhere.He observes; "immense industrial undertakings do not require great men. Such works are carried out in the same way as rain fills a water-butt; drop by drop; and the men who bring them to completion are small; like raindrops; and not great like torrents.... The torrent is in MANKIND; it is not the individuals themselves."In conclusion; he writes; "I invent no utopia in which to build my city. I assert that its proper place is here; and nothing will remove it. If I affirm this so categorically it is because I am aware of our human limitations; aware that we have not the power to begin all over again build our City as we will elsewhere. To desire such a thing is to be reactionary; and to persist in it would make the whole scheme an impossibility. Therefore it must be here."0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy Frechie NievaVery interesting. Must read and must have for planners.

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