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Chicago Shakespeare Theater: Suiting the Action to the Word

DOC Chicago Shakespeare Theater: Suiting the Action to the Word by Regina Buccola; Peter Kanelos in Arts-Photography


La moda forma parte de nuestras vidas hasta extremos que; a menudo; tendemos a ignorar. La presente obra aborda este complejo fen?meno; de creciente importancia en nuestros d?as; a partir de los numerosos enfoques que del mismo se realizan desde la sociolog?a; la psicolog?a; la est?tica; la semi?tica; la antropolog?a o la historia. Se trata de un libro no s?lo dirigido al estudioso de la moda sino tambi?n a un lector profano o no especialmente versado; dado el inter?s general que el tema suscita. Saca a la luz los estudios realizados por prestigiosos intelectuales y que parecen haber ca?do en el olvido o el desconocimiento; pero muestra adem?s c?mo la moda trasciende la esfera del vestir y se lanza al mundo de los objetos cotidianos mediante el styling. Se abordan de manera detallada los diferentes tipos de difusi?n de la moda y la relaci?n de ?sta con el Arte; as? como la tiran?a de la belleza y su relaci?n con el cuerpo.

#2883750 in eBooks 2012-12-15 2012-12-15File Name: B00EB6HOMQ

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Fashion Industry Resource / Reference for your LibraryBy Katriena EmmanuelLove it. As a fashion photographer myself; this book will be a valued resource to my library. It is like a condensed history lesson on the biggest movers and shakers in the modelling industry from the 1940s to present day. An easy to read informative book that gets to the heart of what made these respective women/ models the best in their time and still famous today. And as a bonus the book contains lots of those iconic photos of the respective models photographed by the legendary photographers at the time.4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. but it would be really great for someone who is really interested in the lives ...By JBThe information was interesting; but since a photographer wrote the book; I expected there to be more photos. There were only one or two per model. I ended up returning it; but it would be really great for someone who is really interested in the lives and history of these models.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great picture book!By CA_Jess2cuteGreat book for a fashion lover. Nigel also included models of the moment Cara D.; Jourdan Dunn and Karlie Kloss.

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