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Cinemas in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989

PDF Cinemas in Transition in Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 by From Temple University Press in Arts-Photography


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Bevouml;lkerungsgeographie; Stadt- u. Raumplanung; Albert-Ludwigs-Universitauml;t Freiburg; 10 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: INHALTSVERZEICHNIS:I. Einleitung und kurzer historischer AbrissII. Metropole - Mega City ndash; Global Cityo Definition: Metropoleo Definition: Mega Cityo Definition: Global CityIII .Das Aufkommen von Global CitiesIII. 1. Lefegrave;bvres Theorie der bdquo; Produktion des Raumes ldquo;III. 2. Von den Industriestauml;dten des Fordismus zur post- fordistischen MetropoleIII. 3 Die Global City als bdquo; Neuer Typus von Zentralraum ldquo; III. 4.Global Cities als Zentren der KonsumtionIV. Hierarchie von Global CitiesAlpha-; Beta-; Gamma- World CitiesV. Stauml;dtische Gebilde innerhalb der Global CitiesV. 1. Stadt- Rauml;ume und Stauml;dtebauliche CharakteristikaV. 2. Verauml;nderungen in der sozialen StrukturV. 3. Global integrierte StadtfragmenteVI. Abbildungen und TabellenVII. Bibliographie

#4242263 in eBooks 2013-01-11 2013-01-11File Name: B00D1UX8JG

21 of 21 people found the following review helpful. Stupendous!By Fenno HoffmanA top ten reference on the spinal chords of urban life. Its called "Street Design" but dont be fooled; This is a comprehensive manifesto that focuses on a whole range of urban parts and pieces; from facade proportions to curb details; that must be considered together; and work together; to make great streets. This is NOT a specialists book about bike paths; the latest crosswalk technologies; or a polemic diatribe. Great Streets is a testimonial about excellence; about the comprehensive urban placemaking that is possible; when you get everything right. Loaded with excellent photography; supplemented by just the charts and diagrams necessary to clarify the writing; this is a practical; accessible; compendium of analysis; techniques; and critical factors necessary to understand and engage; in order to make streets as good as the finest streets on Earth. Beyond that; it is a photographic encyclopedia of some of my favorite places.I realize that my review sounds like it was written by a marketing person; but it wasnt. I just love this book - its one of the books that Id hoped to write someday - and write just like this. Extraordinary; and fun. Dover and Massengale are true wizards. Buy it without hesitation!14 of 14 people found the following review helpful. High Praise from a Public Works DirectorBy Bryan JonesI highly endorse and recommend the book! It is one of the best books I have gotten my hands on for people that care or should care about creating Thriving Communities for People and Prosperity. This book should be used in every local jurisdiction and university across the nation and globe. We no longer have to teach our college graduates about highway design but rather now we need to focus on community design. This would be a fun curriculum to teach...and our young engineers; planners; policy makers; and leaders need this information to be competitive and influential. It could be used in transportation; civil engineering; planning; ecology; landscape; and architecture programs as we all play a part in the interwoven web of creating quality communities where people and businesses can thrive. Unlike highway engineers that "build transportation through communities" this book talks to those of us that want to "build communities through transportation". We need to bring the ART and CULTURE back into and balance the science of street design. After all a street without people is not a place. A place needs people. And people need to be welcomed; inspired; and entertained. Our standards; transportation models; and level of service analysis only address the science of the innate automobile and completely forget about the ART required to create a place where people are welcomed; inspired; and entertained.And more importantly local; state and federal officials could definitely use this book to better understand the impacts of their ongoing transportation decisions and funding practices based on assumptions from the post World War II era when decisions were based on what was good for General Motors was good for the United States. The Unites States is going to have to change its thinking if it wants to be sustainable (economically; environmentally; and public health wise) and competitive in attracting and inspiring creative talent. Communities that chose to embrace these concepts will thrive in the 21st century and those that dont will struggle to persevere and maintain. Most communities and states cannot afford to maintain their existing transportation infrastructure that has been built since 1945...and now is as good of time to ask "Is there a better approach that we can afford to not only construct but also maintain and allows our people and businesses to thrive". That is definitely a different question or challenge to solve than the one we tried solving for the past 6-8 decades regarding how fast and safe can we move the automobile." Yet tens of thousands of people die on our roadways each year because of the environment we build and so do many businesses and city centers. The heart of our communities.This book shares a big bold vision for what is truly important...our streets designed for people! And refutes some long standing status quo assumptions that have eroded much of the culture; connectedness; creativity; and community. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. And this book provides a handful of fundamental principles for streets that positively contribute to a great city.If you want to use the AIM frame approach by asking the following three questions; What is occurring? What do we want to create? How do we get there?...this book will walk you through this approach with ease and all the ingredients you can chose from. The pictures and examples are priceless to help identify what you want to create. I am a firm believer that the health and prosperity of our country starts at the local level where the governments are connected to the community (people; schools; neighborhoods; organizations and businesses) they serve and this book suggests it also starts with the built environment that our local streets create. This book has vision with implementation! Well done Victor; John and their teams!Some of my favorite quotes so far..."Observation is perhaps the street designers most powerful tool.""Great streets define great cities""We are in a period of rediscovering our old towns and cities and rebuilding our streets""Placemaking makes the street spaces into settings where people want to be. A place is not a place until there are people in it"Bryan Jones; PE; PTP; AICPPublic Works DirectorCity of Fremont; California8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Engaging Enjoyable!By John SimmermanMaking our cities and towns great places where people want to be and from which economic productivity and human vitality might grow and prosper should be our primary goals for our streets; not simply attempting to move as many motor vehicles through space as possible.I encourage anyone who is interested in creating stronger; healthier and more vibrant places to get your own copy of Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns and perhaps even purchase one for a friend or your favorite politician; traffic engineer and/or developer as well.

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