Exploring research into mobile phone use as props to subjective identity; Norman Taylor employs concepts from Michelle Foucault; Gilles Deleuze and actor network theory to discuss the affect of mechanisms of make-believe; from celebrity culture to avatar-obsessed game players; and digital culture.
2012-10-10 2012-10-10File Name: B00A208NGG
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Poorly edited and uneven quality of paintingsBy Book AddictI was pretty disappointed in this third book in the Painting Indiana series by the Indiana Plein Air Painters. The first book was truly outstanding but this third one was ...well; not up to snuff. I dont know how they selected the painters for this book but the talent seems all over the place. Some artists are very talented and others are really amateurs. It brings down the whole quality of the book.One wonders the reason the organization would put out such a book? Were they just trying to soothe egos or maybe they thought some artists had been missed in previous editions and should be in this one. I dont think this publication helps their cause which is to promote the beauty of Indiana through the plein air painting tradition.Id pass on this edition unless you can get a cheap used copy or borrow one from your library.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Love the Painting Indiana seriesBy Ellen S. CramerI have the Painting Indiana I book and have enjoyed it for years. The Painting Indiana III book has some very interesting history on early plein air in Indiana as well as a section on the future of plein air painting. Love the pictures of the paintings! Some really good work by our talented Indiana artists.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Prefers the hard copyBy Carolyn A. StacheraExcellent! However; I prefer the hard copy to the Kindle version as the Kindle version places the painters name and comments on the page with the next painting - not their own.