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Cities and Regions as Self-Organizing Systems: Models of Complexity: 1 (Environmental Problems and Social Dynamics Series)

ebooks Cities and Regions as Self-Organizing Systems: Models of Complexity: 1 (Environmental Problems and Social Dynamics Series) by Peter M. Allen in Arts-Photography


A clear methodological and philosophical introduction to complexity theory as applied to urban and regional systems is given; together with a detailed series of modelling case studies compiled over the last couple of decades. Based on the new complex systems thinking; mathematical models are developed which attempt to simulate the evolution of towns; cities; and regions and the complicated co-evolutionary interaction there is both between and within them. The aim of these models is to help policy analysis and decision-making in urban and regional planning; energy policy; transport policy; and many other areas of service provision; infrastructure planning; and investment that are necessary for a successful society.

#3926526 in eBooks 2012-06-25 2012-06-25File Name: B000Q36XE8

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. I love (*****) The Dover booksBy L GFirst; I want to make it clear that my low rating has nothing to do with the images or content in the Dover books. I love (*****) The Dover books. Rather it has to do with the inability of Kindle to provide the digital content in a way that people can use the content for the intended purpose.This book; like all of the Dover Pictorial books that provide clip art; is intended for artists to be able to copy and use the images; royalty free; for their art or craft projects. It says that clearly in the front of the book. In some books; but not all; there may also be a restriction in the number of images that one can use in a single work of art. Dover also provides a CD-ROM along with the print version to make it easier to load on your computer and Print the images. The Kindle version will NOT allow you to print any of the pages; thus rendering the book useless for artists who want to use the images for that intended purpose.What should happen with the kindle version is to provide a downloadable file that is = to the CD_ROM (and included with the Print version) OR add a flag to their software; indicating that this type of book can be printed without copy right infringement. If Kindle cannot provide the ability to print the images or a file with the images; then they should not offer it as a Kindle version at all.In conclusion the Dover books; or any other books that are intended to provide clip art for artists and designers are not printable in the Kindle version; thus useless for artists who want them for that purpose. So; unless you just want to look at the pretty pictures; DON"T buy the kindle version.I truly hope that in this age where the technology exists to provide digital content as well as the ability to apply filters or indicators that would allow overrides to read only content; Kindle will figure out how to make this content available for its intended use in the near future.8 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Out of date; tiny filesBy Enthused GardenerThis was published in 2003. The picture sizes are tiny; often around 200 pixels on an edge. The designs might be useful for printing out and woodburning; tooling; etc; but dont plan on using them for computer graphics projects. Completely useless; for that purpose.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. One StarBy Kerwin A. HowardCD-ROM was cracked when it arrived. Whats the point without the cd rom!

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