Im zweiten Band der Reihe Fotografieren lernen geht es um die Gestaltung Ihrer Bilder. Die Autoren zeigen Ihnen; welche Bildgestaltungsmittel es gibt; welche Ausprauml;gungen diese haben und welche Wirkungen Sie damit jeweils erzielen. Dabei erklauml;ren sie fundiert die Wirkzusammenhauml;nge; ohne starre Regeln aufzustellen.Sie lernen; mit welchen Techniken Sie Ihr Bild gestalten und wie Sie Ihr fotografisches Auge schauml;rfen kouml;nnen. Dieses Wissen hilft Ihnen; die Aussage Ihres Motivs gezielt zu unterstuuml;tzen; Ihren eigenen Stil zu entwickeln und eigene oder fremde Fotos kompetent zu analysieren.
#2545342 in eBooks 2013-02-28 2013-04-08File Name: B00B4V6JC2
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. were not all like this - even those of us who interview celebritiesBy NicoleWhat a snob and a half! I AM a journalist; and I was horrified by the pretentious air in which she (poorly; by the by); wrote this sorry excuse for a book. (Take note: were not all like this - even those of us who interview celebrities.) I pride myself on never quitting a book; so Im slogging through; but even with my favorite subject matter as the focus (rock memoirs); I am STRUGGLING. Her personal stories do little to give any type of insight into the lives of the actual musicians shes supposed to be writing about and everything to sickeningly self-promote her own ego and let you know how "cool" she is - did you know she invented the word genius and discovered the Rolling Stones? Im so sure; lady. Get a grip. I actually felt sorry for poor Mick Jagger; who she dehumanized and belittled to no end. From one writer to another; Lisa; heres a little tip - spend less time giving yourself props for being Master of the Universe in the mirror every morning and go take a writing class or two - trust me; you could use them.10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Not very goodBy Mark M. TwomeyI found it amazing that she could write so many uninteresting things about so many interesting people. Both the stories and the style are boring. In addition the book is peppered with her political views -- which are basically unsupported cheap shots -- which have nothing to do with what she is writing about. I read a lot of books but this one took me forever to get through; because it never captured my interest. I agree with other reviewers who say the book comes off as elitist and an ego trip. I also did not find a lot of the book credible; especially in her description of the extent of her relationships with the artists -- I suspect she was not as close to some and a lot closer to others than she lets on. Save your money -- there are a ton of other books that cover the same subjects in a lot more interesting and credible ways.4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. I wasnt expecting this book to be as boring as it turned out to beBy olingerstoriesI wasnt expecting this book to be as boring as it turned out to be. At first; it was interesting to learn about the Stones or Led Z; but even that faded mainly due to the fact that the main theme throughout was Lisa Robinson herself. Here is an ego as big as Madonnas; which is probably why both despise each other. But; looking back; what did I expect? Shes admittedly made her career lite observations and working her connections and relationships to her advantage and this is her biography. I guess in that sense; it is a little like musical tastes. Robinson thought John Bonham was the greatest drummer; whereas Ringo might not have been the greatest drummer among the Fab Four.