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Computer Modelling for Sustainable Urban Design: Physical Principles; Methods and Applications

ePub Computer Modelling for Sustainable Urban Design: Physical Principles; Methods and Applications by Darren Robinson in Arts-Photography


This is the first book to directly address the physics of urban sustainability and how urban sustainability may be modelled and optimised. Starting with an introduction to the importance and key aspects of the topic; it moves on to a detailed consideration of the urban climate and pedestrian comfort. Comprehensive techniques for the modelling and optimisation of urban metabolism are then described; together with means for defining sustainability as the fitness function to be optimised. It ends with an eye to the future of sustainable urban design and the means available to urban designers and governors to help them to secure a more sustainable urban future. This book will be invaluable both in informing the next generation of urban planners; architects and engineers; and as a tool to current professionals that will directly contribute to the effectiveness of their work by allowing them to more successfully measure and model urban sustainability.

#2886626 in eBooks 2012-11-12 2012-11-12File Name: B00ABLIQFE

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. At Last!By Mary E. ShehadehI found the book to have good photos;excellent citations; and it was enjoyable read. It was exciting to read of Samia Halaby; Nabil Anani and others2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. EnjoyableBy JMSI enjoyed this a lot. Makes a great gift for Palestinian friends and family.8 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Excellent bookBy HimriThis book is an excellent study of Palestinian art and its history. Art work of Ismail Shammout; Sliman Mansour; Kamal Boullata are extensively described with the relevant context to the times and loss of Palestine inhabitants.One comes across not only paintings but also other forms of expression - mud on wood(page 84).One of the paintings Whereto? on page 49 shows the effect of influence of absence of a character (part of defined standard of family) by exclusion from the figure-ground of a painting but not from a higher space of our understanding. While paintings are assumed to be more real by blending into the atmosphere i.e extending onto the walls that they are placed. This one creates a great seperation. It is to such art that you get introduced to in this book.Mona Hatoums work is described ; most of which is daily home objects turned useless in a very prickly way; the source of it being her sense of alienation from home.The same themes are explored in works of Khalil Rabah and Asad Azi.

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