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Contemporary Street Arts in Europe: Aesthetics and Politics (Studies in International Performance)

ebooks Contemporary Street Arts in Europe: Aesthetics and Politics (Studies in International Performance) by S. Haedicke in Arts-Photography


Spanning a broad trajectory; from the New Gaelic Man of post-independence Ireland to the slick urban gangsters of contemporary productions; this study traces a significant shift from idealistic images of Irish manhood to a much more diverse and gender-politically ambiguous range of male identities on the Irish screen.

#4223268 in eBooks 2012-11-28 2012-11-28File Name: B00AYDNYO2

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Well Done!By Joseph B Lepiscopo JrThe 1951 Festival of Britain has always interested me. When visiting London I am usually on the lookout for items from the event. My collections include postcards; souvenirs and the official guide to the South Bank Exhibition. Books about the Festval; how and why it came to be are harder to come by. I was very pleased to come across this volume. It goes into great detail about the origins of the Festival as well as its design and operation. The writing style; while a bit heavy at times; perfectly suits the subect and held my interest from beginning to end. I learned a great deal and often wished I had been able to experience the Festival first hand! Now if only someone would produce a book filled with color photos and images of the Festival; I would be very happy.

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