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Design: Models of Change

audiobook Design: Models of Change by Ken Baynes in Arts-Photography


Joan Murrayrsquo;s intimate biography details the life and work of Tom Thomson.

#3128847 in eBooks 2013-02-28 2013-02-28File Name: B00DDUABHG

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. BrilliantBy James E. McvoyI wasnt sure what this book was going to entail; but I decided to give it a try. William Logans reviews of poetry books of many kinds are brilliantly written. Even when I disagreed with his opinion; I was impressed with the intelligence of his writing. If you have an interest in poetry of the twentieth century; you need to read this.6 of 7 people found the following review helpful. DelightfulBy transponderTo read a first-class mind; slicing and dicing and analysing the creative output of our times; is really a pleasure. Ive bought all the Logan books of criticism and have enjoyed them all.2 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Logan one of the fewBy moby pabloLogan is a breath of fresh air on the american poetry scene. He dares to be critical of what- in its major venues- such as Poetry Mag; the New Yorker; APR; etc. etc.- a vapid; anemic; acadeemic scene where everyone is scratching each others bax. The Writers Almanac Garrison Keillor) brings poem after poem that is actually prose- with no depth- no connection to emotion;Incomprehensible writers like John Asbery are lauded- but the "emperor has no clothes".There are poets living deserving of praise- such as Robert Bly and Gary Snyder and Alice Walker and Coleman Barks- but pulitzers go to a Rae Armantrout? a Mary Oliver (actually- I dont mind ms oliver and her nature pomes).Its a sad situation- and thankfully- some one like Logan tries to set it aright. His essays are spot on- and even when taking on the "beloveds"- like Wallace Stevens- he is refreshing.Many universities have writing seminars churning out "star" after "star"- check out the now well regarded names in 20- years; its a farce.Let me send you my manifesto on poetry- (if you dare).We need poetry w meaning. rythm; etc.- or at least editors who have some recognition of quality.Of course if you have to put out a poem every day- or so many poems in yr mag evey quarter- do you think you will get many Emilies???? Part of the problem is the marketing department?

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