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Diasporas and Interculturalism in Asian Performing Arts: Translating Traditions (Routledgecurzon--Iias Asian Studies Series)

DOC Diasporas and Interculturalism in Asian Performing Arts: Translating Traditions (Routledgecurzon--Iias Asian Studies Series) by From Routledge in Arts-Photography


In an age of globalization; performance is increasingly drawn from intercultural creativity and located in multicultural settings. This volume is the first to focus on the performing arts of Asian diasporas in the context of modernity and multiculturalism. The essays locate the contemporary performing arts as a discursive field in which the boundaries between tradition and translation; and authenticity and hybridity are redefined and negotiated to create a multitude of meaning and aesthetics in global and local contexts.With contributions from scholars of Asian studies; theatre studies; anthropology; cultural studies; dance ethnology and musicology; this truly interdisciplinary work covers every aspect of the sociology of performance of the Asian diasporas.

#3144884 in eBooks 2004-11-04 2004-11-04File Name: B000OI0WEW

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. What a book!By s8n_2This book is like a bronseal advert; it does what it says on the tin. the authours have given a indepth look at life in a city in terms of communications. the reason i have now bought this book is that i have read the social and cultural impacts of communications within a city; and now want to read the rest. the authors which for me gives the book real zeal is that their writings are de-viod of utopian or distopian views and keep to real facts. im sorry my review is not of a professional nature; but i recommend this book to anyone in studies at degree level or anyone interested in the way a whole city operates purley by communications albeit internet; phone or any ohter communication. a must buy.

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