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Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology

ebooks Dictionary of Architectural and Building Technology by Henry Cowan; Peter Smith in Arts-Photography


A comprehensive summary of the vocabulary used across the building industry; from the preparation of an architectural brief; through creative and technical design; to construction technology and facilities management. The latest edition has several substantially revised entries as well as many new additions; including new illustrations and terms. Covering a range of disciplines across architecture and building and including both SI metric and Imperial units; this dictionary and reference work will enable students and professionals to use and understand vocabulary from other areas of expertise; and contribute to better communication.

#3818911 in eBooks 2004-08-02 2004-08-02File Name: B000PMGI9K

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful. In Spite Of Rumors Without FactBy M. MaraI have given this book three stars. It is a fun interesting read in the way these two shared their art; practiced their craft; amazed theater crowds and fellow actors and went home every night for over 50 years and slept in the same bed. but then the dirt with no name starts. He sleeps with men; she sleeps with women. How do we know this? Well someone once heard someone saying it in front of a theater putting on one of their plays. Shame on the writer for even adding this. Oh and let us not forget that even though the writer can find NO ONE of the same sex that had affairs with them she does have one piece of evidence...The Lunts had gay friends!?! In the arts? I am shocked! My husband and I are both in the arts and also have gay friends. To the best of my knowledge no one has ever accused them of being straight.0 of 1 people found the following review helpful. What a lovely bookBy MydogsmomI love the Lunts and this was a most enjoyable book3 of 19 people found the following review helpful. QueryBy A CustomerI reviewed this book 2-3 weeks ago when it first came out. Why hasnt my review been posted?

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