The third volume in Alan Walkers magisterial biography of Franz Liszt."You cant help but keep turning the pages; wondering how it will all turn out: and Walkers accumulated readings of Liszts music have to be taken seriously indeed."-D. Kern Holoman; New York Review of Books"A conscientious scholar passionate about his subject. Mr. Walker makes the man and his age come to life. These three volumes will be the definitive work to which all subsequent Liszt biographies will aspire."-Harold C. Schonberg; Wall Street Journal"What distinguishes Walker from Liszts dozens of earlier biographers is that he is equally strong on the music and the life. A formidable musicologist with a lively polemical style; he discusses the composers works with greater understanding and clarity than any previous biographer. And whereas many have recycled the same erroneous; often damaging information; Walker has relied on his own prodigious; globe-trotting research; a project spanning twenty-five years. The result is a textured portrait of Liszt and his times without rival."-Elliot Ravetz; Time"The prose is so lively that the reader is often swept along by the narrative. . . . This three-part work . . . is now the definitive work on Liszt in English and belongs in all music collections."-Library Journal
#3222241 in eBooks 2013-04-01 2013-04-01File Name: B00BKJ63RE
9 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Get BWV numbers here...By Nathan PeaseGreat book; but it doesnt list the BWV numbers for the works.After looking through different sources; I believe that these are the BWV numbers of the preludes as they appear in this book: 924; 939; 999; 925; 926; 940; 941; 927; 928; 929; 930; 942; 933; 934; 935; 936; 937; 938.9 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Unique Bach PreludesBy CGIsacksonDo not confuse these preludes with those in the Das Wohltempiertes Klavier. These consist of the 12 Kleine Praeludien which Bach probably wrote for his students to practice; seven of which are in the Clavier-Buchlein vor Wilhelm Friedemann Bach.The other Six Short Preludes (first published by Hoffmeister and Kuhnel) are also in this series. The first of the Six Preludes is just so beautiful and simple.The book contains extensive details about fingering and execution of ornamentation and each piece has ornamentation details in note form (lighter printing which is either above the treble cleff or below the bass cleff depending to which it refers). There is also a thematic index for the 12 and 6 short preludes for a quick reference.This is an excellent book in print and details. If you enjoy playing Bach; this book is a must.Contents are somewhat difficult to put together in terms of BWV; so here goes arranging them appropriately:There are no BWV series numbers in this book which can be confusing because the order and prelude numbers are notncecssarily exactly based on any other edition with the same title (except for the 6 little preludes).To enhance the readers understanding of what is offered in this edition; I researched each prelude from the originalsources listed on and marked each prelude found in the thematic index according to its actual classification.Twelve Short PreludesPrelude No. 1 bwv 924 CMPrelude No. 2 bwv 939 CMPrelude No. 3 bwv 999 C-Prelude No. 4 bwv 925 DMPrelude No. 5 bwv 926 D-Prelude No. 6 bwv 940 D-Prelude No. 7 bwv 941 E-Prelude No. 8 bwv 927 FMPrelude No. 9 bwv 928 FMPrelude No. 10 bwv 929 G-Prelude No. 11 bwv 930 G-Prelude No. 12 bwv 942 A-Six Short PreludesPrelude No. 1 bwv 933 CMPrelude No. 2 bwv 934 C-Prelude No. 3 bwv 935 D-Prelude No. 4 bwv 936 DMPrelude No. 5 bwv 937 EMPrelude No. 6 bwv 938 E-Piece Styles: BaroqueInstrumentation: Piano0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four StarsBy BillExcellent music for the intermediate student. Very underrated Bachs preludes . Very beautiful melodies and a great learning tool.