Burckhardts Werk wurde erstmals 1860 verouml;ffentlicht und ist heute noch von grouml;szlig;ter Bedeutung fuuml;r das Verstauml;ndnis des Strukturwandels von Staat und Kirche im Ausgang des Mittelalters und die damit einhergehende Ausbildung des "modernen"; individuellen Menschen.
#2871627 in eBooks 2012-07-21 2012-07-21File Name: B00A2AP7VU
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Passion squelchedBy GuarinaHow do social rules shape lives? Tbis is ultimately an account of women s lives in suffocating economic and social conditions. Emotional existence is restricted andhardly allowed to breathe. Touches on alienation of the foreign born (India) in the society of their colonizer; adolescent eroticism and of course complications of racism and restrictive Victorian culture. Compassion we feel for the girl accuser; her accomplice and even the stubborn grandmother facing a new society and lessened economic circumstances.Main philosophical point; however; is that love between women; being a primary and existential definer of individuality; was extirpated EVEN FROM THEIR AWARENESS. I know of present instances of this suppression and self-censorship as well.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. interesting historyBy bryceesqI love Lillian fadermans other books. This one unfortunately tries to incorporate fiction into an interesting historical court case. The court documents are quite heavy; but riveting. Two women are suing for libel. They have been accused of having an affair in the early 1800s Scotland. The fiction is not really necessary; quite distracting; and a the fictional character is clearly racist. Not Fadermans best; but the content make it interesting enough to give it a read.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Did they; or Didnt they????By aron rowNoted feminist; Lillian Faderman provides a spellbinding story as she recounts the famous trial from the 1800rsquo;s in which two school mistresses are accused by one of their students of displaying a sexual relationship with each other. In the libel suit that ensued; the result was a scotch verdict; meaning the charge was inconclusive or not proven. Reminiscent of Lillian Hellmanrsquo;s ldquo;The Childrenrsquo;s Hourrdquo;; the evidence produced during this trial questions the veracity of the witness as well as the nature of the relationship between the two mistresses. The details of the trial read as a true detective tale as the author conjures up the personalities of the defendants; the accusers and the judiciary body. Bewildering to the male lawyers and judges of the case was the mystery of how an erotic relationship between women could exist. Not only is this a story of sexual mores but the book also points out the economic and class distinctions that restricted thought and growth. Most effectively; the reader is immersed into the culture and world-view of the male oriented society of the early 19th century. Female related sexual attraction from early history is cleverly contrasted with that of current 20th century lesbian relationships. This is an absorbing transcript detailing the evolution of our understanding of the sexual relationships between women using the Scotch trial as the lynchpin. The story is mesmerizing while the writing is riveting.