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Download! How The Internet Transformed The Record Business

ebooks Download! How The Internet Transformed The Record Business by Phil Hardy in Arts-Photography


ldquo;Industry expert Phil Hardy has outdone himself with the splendid; piecing Download!rdquo; ndash; Record Collector Download! chronicles of the making of the new record industry; from the boom years of the CD revolution of the late 1980s to the crisis of the present day; with particular stress on the last decade. Following the actions and reactions of the major international record companies as they ploughed their way through the digital revolution; bewildered by the fleet-of-foot digital innovators who were far more responsive to the changing marketing conditions. Download! delves even further into the structural change that has; almost surreptitiously; taken place; within the music business. A change that has left the captains of the record industry as unable to act as they were unwilling to act.

#2716359 in eBooks 2012-11-20 2012-11-20File Name: B00AAJSTB8

12 of 13 people found the following review helpful. Great book that fills in a huge gap in the SketchUp knowledge baseBy CustomerIve read through this book several times now; and purchased both the physical book and the Kindle version. First; let me say that the book is very well written. There are very few errors; and the text and graphics are all first-rate. The content itself fills a significant gap in the SketchUp / LayOut knowledge base - specifically; how to both arrange a SketchUp model for efficient modeling; and also how to use LayOut to turn that [correctly organized] model into compelling construction documents.Brightmans system can be bewildering at first; consisting as it does of nested groups and components; with entities on separate layers (dozens of layers). If you just flip through the book and glance at the screen shots and model organization diagrams; youre going to go wide-eyed before putting the book down and slowly backing away. I would strongly encourage you to read the material - several times - and use whatever means work best for you to commit it to memory. Personally; I took screen shots of the model organization diagrams and scene organization diagrams and I keep them open on a second monitor while Im working.If you set you model up as Brightman suggests; youll be amazed at how quickly and easily you can produce useful; attractive scenes from your model; and how easy it is to turn those scenes into professional-grade construction documents using LayOut. One final note: There is a website related to the book ( where the author participates daily. He has answered a handful of my questions; even going so far as to actually make corrections in my model file and send it back to me. The community over there is not huge yet; so sometimes it takes a couple of days to get an answer; but just as often the author himself responds to questions with 24 hours.Very highly recommended title.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. This book is a game changer for me. I ...By HAROLD F. THOMPSONThis book is a game changer for me. I usually start most of my architectural design projects as a series of hand sketches based upon talking with client and visiting the site. I then go to Sketchup Pro to create more definitive scale drawings and geolocate the project with Google Earth. Using the methodology of this book in setting up the views; I am able to use Layout to create sets of presentation drawings and/or construction drawings. The book definitely helped me understand the power of SketchUp Pro and Layout.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Exceptional ContentBy AmanthemanotGreat book and resource for anyone wanting to use Sketchup for Architecture. The author has thought through the workflow process well and presents it in a systematic and complete way. The book has accompanying websites that take the lessons further and give further educational direction if one wants to pursue concepts further. The authors style is not always easy to follow in some sections; sometimes requiring a second read through for me. However; this book; IMHO; provides exactly what it says thereby fully respecting my time feeding my interests. I confidently give it 5 stars.

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