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Duke Ellington and His World

audiobook Duke Ellington and His World by A.H. Lawrence in Arts-Photography


Based on lengthy interviews with Ellingtons bandmates; family; and friends; Duke Ellington and His World offers a fresh look at this legendary composer. The first biography of the composer written by a fellow musician and African-American; the book traces Ellingtons life and career in terms of the social; cultural; political; and economic realities of his times. Beginning with his birth in Washington; DC; through his first bands and work at the legendary Cotton Club; to his final great extended compositions; this book gives a thorough introduction to Ellingtons music and how it was made. It also illuminates his personal life because; for Ellington; music was his life and his life was a constant inspiration for music.

#2421009 in eBooks 2004-03-01 2004-03-01File Name: B000Q35TO8

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Great watch guideBy S. KosloskeI found a link to this e-book from one of the many watch blogs I keep up with. I figured Id give it a shot for $3.Ive been a long-time watch collector; and I still think this was worth my $3. The author covers several different types of watches and helps with picking out models that would fit a collector. It really is some good reading for a watch collector; even an experienced one.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Informative and easy to readBy Rhoderick M. CasisIt is relevant with respect to what things and functions to look for in a watch depending on the occasion or activity the watch is going to be used in. It can be very informative for a person considering to purchase a watch for a particular purpose i.e. dress watch; everyday watch etc. It is also very helpful with respect to the things that are important in a watch which are things that a regular watch buyer dont really think of. Other books on watches can be too technical and boring for non-watch enthusiast or collectors. Over-all; This book is an entertaining read for a watch enthusiast and an informative one for anyone who wants to know more about watches.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Three StarsBy Kindle CustomerInteresting

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