Unterrichtsentwurf aus dem Jahr 2012 im Fachbereich Kunst - Kunstpauml;dagogik; ; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Die Louml;sungsvorschlauml;ge folgen dem Schema "Beschreibung-Analyse-Interpretation" und stellen somit auch eine Musterlouml;sung auf Kursstufenniveau dar. Max Ernst ist aktuell Schwerpunktthema im baden-wuuml;rttembergischen Kunstabitur. Der Vogel Loplop; der in der ersten Aufgabe thematisiert wird; ist in Ernsts Werk uuml;beraus prauml;sent. Auch die Werke aus der Historie Naturelle stellen einen Meilenstein in Ernsts Werk dar. Der Vergleich mit Haeckels Bildtafel ist uuml;beraus fruchtbar; hier spielt die Evolutionstheorie eine Rolle.
#4476675 in eBooks 2012-05-10 2012-05-10File Name: B00BIR9K4G
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Love the designs; disappointed about the budgetsBy Todd M GabrysToo much high design architecture is limited to those with absorbent amounts of wealth. Id love to see a book with good design such as that shown in many of the homes in this book on a more realistic/ responsible budget. Architecture used to be about helping the broad ranges of everyday people; this book is too much for the elitist.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Breathtakingly beautiful bookBy KarinI travel to SE Asia regularly and the houses in this book are such a wonderful representation of the old and the new; modern design meets old world sensibilities. Filled with page after page of beautiful images and the POV of the designer and the home owner; I was hooked the minute I got this into my hands. The book is really well constructed and is the center showpiece in my den. A great conversation starter for sure. 5 stars.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Very Inspirational!By Paul LambI found this book to be very inspiring and informative. The beautiful pictures and accompanying commentary give you insight into the designers point of view.