In 1927; the Chicago Tribune sponsored a competition for "trained men of talent; incorporating into the small home ideas of real worth; types of rare charm; and the best possible plans for comfort and convenience." This collection spotlights the challenge’s top results; presenting the nineteen prize-winning designs for five- and six-room houses; plus eighty additional sets of the best architectural plans. A new introduction by Daniel D. Reiff; Ph.D.; adds interesting detail about the competition and the competitors. These fascinating snapshots of American domestic architecture of the 1920s include glimpses of New England and Southern colonials; Normandy cottages; stately Italianate dwellings; and other styles. Each of the designs features a floor plan and exterior views of the house. Architects; architecture buffs; and historians will prize these authentic renderings of the leading designs in American architecture of nearly a century ago.
#1585281 in eBooks 2013-01-16 2013-01-16File Name: B00A73F4QA
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful. If this is your thing; theres none better.By Jon L AlbeeAs an amateur organist and avid traveler; Ive found myself within earshot of several of the instruments included here. I never expected to find a guidebook dedicated to them; but here it is. And what a fantastic book it is!Theres so much good stuff in these 200 pages its hard to know where to begin. The bulk of the book is a catalog of the churches and organs associated with J. S. Bach. There are about 30 of them; concentrated mostly in Saxony and Thuringia. Each site includes an architectural description; organ specification; organ history; FANTASTIC color photographs; and photos and facsimiles of correspondence from Bach. The book includes a glossary; instruction for how to examine an organ; and short biographies of organ builders.The instruments featured here; as one would expect; are Baroque in design and temperament. Readers looking for any treatment of French Romantic or American Symphonic material should look elsewhere.I would recommend the book to serious students; builders and musicians as well as enthusiasts. Basically; if you find yourself here; you should buy this book.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Best Book on this Subject I have Seen - Ever!By Johann Sebastian BachGreat notes by Christoph Wolff; the leading Bach scholar today. Beautiful pictures of each organ complete with histories andspecifications. Translations of recommendations for renovation written by Bach himself on organs he had tested and played.A list of biographies of all organ builders featured in the book along wips maps; timelines and more. Written in such a way as toappeal to both casual and professional readers as well as organists of all levels. And; also an excellent travelogue in case one plans to visit the Germay of Bachs time. A great buy - dont pass it up.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Guide book that almost fits in the pocketBy Bach LoverJa; this is a great book. I received it just before my wife and I set off on our semi-annual trip to Germany. We visit friends; spend time in Berlin - museums and entertainment! - and tour Thuringen; which is deep Bach country.This litte book by Christoph Wolff; author of Johann Sebastian Bach - The Learned Musician an outstanding book itself - is great to read before and than take with you on visits to Bach sites. I found it an excellent reference; very informative; easy to use; and with terrfic plates. Whether or not you have a Bach Bucket list; as I do; consult this book before touring. It will add to your visit.