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Engineering Noise Control

DOC Engineering Noise Control by Colin H. Hansen in Arts-Photography


The third edition of Engineering Noise Control has been thoroughly revised; updated and extended. Each chapter contains new material; much of which is not available elsewhere. The result is a comprehensive discussion of the theoretical principles and concepts of acoustics and noise control; a detailed discussion of the hearing mechanism; noise measuring instrumentation and techniques; noise criteria; sound source characterization and emission; outdoor sound propagation; sound in rooms; sound transmission through partitions; enclosure design; dissipative and reactive mufflers; vibration isolation; equipment sound power emission calculations and active noise cancellation.The book is an excellent text for advanced undergraduate or graduate students of acoustic and noise control; and it also contains the necessary information and prediction techniques that make it an invaluable resource for the practitioner.

#2567191 in eBooks 2007-04-17 2007-04-17File Name: B000Q7ZB56

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Absolutely EssentialBy The AnatomistI have several books on anatomy and this is one of the best written; clearest and most comprehensive books on the subject. I wont say this book is for the newbie. You have to be familiar with a fair amount of terminology; mostly muscle names and the skeleton. But the descriptions of body parts; their origins and insertions; their functions and surface forms--its all here. The writing style is a little stilted by modern standards; but you have to remember it was written about a hundred years ago. Fortunately; most of what we know regarding artistic anatomy hasnt changed in 500 years. If youre familiar with Dr. Paul Richers Artistic Anatomy (a great work in itself; especially the illustrated plates); this book has much of the same information; but less medical or scientific in approach. Its more accessible; easier to read and digest. The illustrations are very good. There are numerous photos of models; male and female in various poses; and often with accompanying flayed illustrations of the same pose; showing the position of different muscles. For propriety sake the genitals (male and female) have been air brushed. Of course; the outline of the scrotum was left on the male model to some comical effect. But all in all this is a great essential book. Highly recommended.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy jluv8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. fascinating and useful relicBy PaulybrooklynThis is an intriguing book for several reasons--first; it must pointed out that it contains some shocking statements about race that seem to be based on an odd hybrid of neoclassicism and social Darwinism. Skulls of different races (highly caricatured) are compared to Greek ideals using arcane measurements; and this becomes a springboard for a twisted argument about racial superiority that was; alas; probably quite maintstream during the 1920s. Additionally; many photographs of live models have been strangely doctored; the faces appear to have been painted over to resemble Greek classical sculpture; which; instead of looking beautiful; is rather grotesque... equally hideous (although understandable for the time) is the rubbing out of the models genitals.That being said; the anatomical plates are beautifully drawn and numerous; with a great deal of useful information. Unlike many other books; photographs of models in bended and tensed poses are compared with diagrams that show the muscles in those same positions; depicting their contracted and expanded states. Also; this is the ONLY anatomy book Ive ever seen that compares male and female antatomy in any depth; showing differences in proportion and skeletal structure (with particular attention to the pelvis). These are elements that Elliot Goldfingers otherwise beautiful book are sorely lacking. For those reasons; this is a key book for any serious figurative artist.

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