Today few would think of astronomy and astrology as fields related to theology. Fewer still would know that physically absorbing planetary rays was once considered to have medical and psychological effects. But this was the understanding of light radiation held by certain natural philosophers of early modern Europe; and that; argues Mary Quinlan-McGrath; was why educated people of the Renaissance commissioned artworks centered on astrological themes and practices.
2011-09-01 2012-11-01File Name: B00AYOTNG4
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Three StarsBy Paul LekangGood info.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Very goodBy JeanBought it as a text book for interior design school and use it in my business now that I am done with school. Good if you are trying to build a custom home or doing upgrades and rebuilds. Not a decorating book; it is a floor plan guide.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Super Helpful Interior Design ResourceBy ninari_91Its really helpful for doing kitchen planning. Theres lots of resources in this book! If you need to know about ADA measurements for kitchens; this is a great shortcut book! They give you lots of ideas about bathroom sizes and prefabricated cabinet sizes! Its definitely worth it for residential spaces!