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Eugenio Barba (Routledge Performance Practitioners)

PDF Eugenio Barba (Routledge Performance Practitioners) by Jane Turner; Jane Turner in Arts-Photography


This useful guidebook not only provides practical exercises for both students and teachers; but also offers an historical perspective on European and world theatre and charts exciting developments in theatre research Eugenio Barba is the first book to combine: *an overview of Barbas work and that of his company; Odin Teatret*exploration of his writings and ideas on theatre anthropology; and his unique contribution to contemporary performance research*in-depth analysis of the 2000 production of Ego Faust; performed at the International School of Theatre Anthropology*a practical guide to training exercises developed by Barba and the actors in the company.Eugenio Barba is recognized as one of the most important theatre practitioners working today. Along with the company he founded forty years ago; the world-acclaimed Odin Teatret; he continues to produce extraordinary theatre performances that tour the world; and his International School of Theatre Anthropology has greatly developed research into the craft of the actor.As a first step towards critical understanding; and as an initial exploration before going on to further; primary research; Routledge Performance Practitioners are unbeatable value for todays student.

#2603385 in eBooks 2004-10-28 2004-10-28File Name: B000OT83BA

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Excellent educational primerBy J. PierceA good book for writers interested in educating themselves about writing good scenes.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Good product!By joshraeGood product!2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. This book is excellentBy Kindle CustomerThis is the first utility book on fiction writing Ive read that truly delves into the art and science of writing a scene.It provides an excellent discussion of the elements of a successful scene; particularly its "beats" necessary to drive the scene so that the scene itself can drive the story. This book is well worth its price.

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