La prima guida completamente dedicata alla domus del chirurgo e al complesso archeologico di piazza Ferrari; nel centro storico di Rimini.E stata pensata come un agile strumento che vuole orientare il visitatore allinterno dello scavo di piazza Ferrari. Con testi agevoli e ricchi di approfondimenti e attraverso una precisa documentazione fotografica e cartografica; la guida affronta analiticamente le diverse aree dello scavo e la complessa cronologia dellintero complesso residenziale; che parte dal I sec. a.C. e arriva allalto medioevo.
#3766147 in eBooks 2012-10-19 2012-10-19File Name: B00B4WV2UK
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A BlessingBy Paul EhrmannBeautiful photos and text that evoke a distant time in California history; yet makes that period accessible by infusing the golden light of recollection with history and geography to lead us back to the places that make that history come alive.I know Randy Leffingwell as a fine automotive writer; but obviously; he does real well when he parks the Porsche and takes a walk around a mission.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Not a strong reference text for a 4th grade California Mission projectBy D. ArnettA picture book for tourists. Not adequate for a fourth graders use on his Mission project (reviewing the scope and range of a California Missions impact upon the native population.)0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy BubblesGreat book. Beautiful pictures. Just the right amount of information for me.