Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Medien / Kommunikation - Mediengeschichte; Note: 1;7; Otto-Friedrich-Universitauml;t Bamberg (Lehrstuhl fuuml;r Kommunikationswissenschaft); Veranstaltung: Proseminar; 10 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis; Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Napoleacute;on Bonaparte wird noch heute als bdquo;grouml;szlig;ter Feldherr aller Zeitenldquo; gehandelt; ebenso als Visionauml;r in Bezug auf ein geeintes Europa. Nach seinem Aufstieg zum Kaiser uuml;ber Frankreich setzte er sich das Ziel; sich auch Resteuropa in Eroberungskriegen zu unterwerfen; mit geradezu durchschlagendem Erfolg.Zu Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts befand sich ein Groszlig;teil Europas unter franzouml;sischer; sprich napoleonischer Herrschaft. Wie es zur Uuml;bernahme vor allem des heutigen Gebiets der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kam; soll in der Folge unter Punkt 2 kurz erlauml;utert werden. Doch es waren nicht nur schlicht Territorien; die in Napoleons Hand fielen; es waren politische und wirtschaftliche Systeme unterschiedlichster Couleur - Kouml;nigreiche; Herzogtuuml;mer; et cetera - die auch; und darum soll es im weiteren Verlauf dieser Arbeit hauptsauml;chlich gehen; Pressewesen besaszlig;en; die ebenso unter das franzouml;sische Regime fielen. Napoleon machte sich die auslauml;ndische Presse unterwuuml;rfig und setzte sie fuuml;r seine Zwecke ein. Wie er dies im Einzelnen vollbrachte; soll im Punkt 3 erouml;rtert werden; die uneinheitlichen Voraussetzungen in den deutschen Territorien sind Thema im 4. Punkt.Welche Art von Printmedien damals; zur Jahrhundertwende zum 19. Jahrhundert und zu dessen Anfauml;ngen; hauptsauml;chlich auftraten; ist Sujet im Punkt 5.Anschlieszlig;end wird der Aspekt der Zensur mit besonderem Fokus auf dessen negative Auswirkungen fuuml;r Widerstauml;ndler beleuchtet und abschlieszlig;end der Sturz Napoleons - eingeleitet durch die Presse - erlauml;utert werden. In ihrer Gesamtheit soll diese Arbeit einen umfassenden Blick auf Deutschland und dessen Pressewesen unter der Herrschaft Napoleons werfen.
#4392035 in eBooks 2006-03-31 2006-03-31File Name: B00BDBFOGK
13 of 13 people found the following review helpful. A Must for Assassination BuffsBy Child of HerodotusThis book is perhaps the most unique account of the Lincoln assassination that Ive ever read. It traces the lives of all the actors; managers and stagehands who worked at Fords Theatre the fateful night of April 14 and views the tragedy through their eyes. For the most part; these were quite ordinary people (their profession as thespians aside) caught up in the maelstrom of an extraordinary historical event. Almost all are forgotten today; with the possible exceptions of Laura Keene (perhaps the best known actress of her day); Harry Hawk (the actor on stage when Booth fired his fatal shot) and Edman Spangler (stagehand sent to prison as one of Booths accomplices); but the author tracks down each one of them; skillfully weaving their personal stories into the great drama of the assassination.On many levels this book is a revelation. Many of those who entertained Lincoln that evening actually had secessionist sympathies; and the author rightfully questions whether there were those in the cast and crew who may have known that something momentous was going to happen that evening; albeit a kidnapping attempt rather than murder. He also gives us an overview of the theatrical stock company system of the Civil War era and a synopsis of the plot of Our American Cousin. For obvious reasons; he focuses a great deal of his attention on the case against Spangler and the reader is left sympathizing with this poor illiterate man who may have known about Booths kidnapping scheme but was probably just as shocked by the murder as anyone else. Also touching are the efforts made on Spanglers behalf by his boss; John T. Ford; who paid for his defense attorney; and then worked to get him pardoned by President Johnson. Anyone who wants a fresh look at this forever fascinating topic should purchase this book.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. An Interesting and Fresh PerspectiveBy Andy GlassOf all the reading Ive done on Lincoln or his assassination; none of the books covered the people in the theater that awful night. When I saw this title; it intrigued me. I wondered; then; what about those people? How did this event affect them; their lives and futures. Bogar delivers that story in a well paced and easy to read way. The book presents the story from the perspective of the theater company; from preparing for their performance to the aftermath of the Lincoln assassination. It made me also think about situations in our times; when shooters walk into a place and wreak havoc; how do the survivors move forward and what happens to their lives? A very interesting and fresh perspective on this episode in history; and very glad I picked this one up.3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A genuinely unique examination of Lincolns assassination and the individuals involvedBy C. CraneThomas Bogar accomplished what many others have not managed to do: he presented a truly unique examination of Lincolns assassination. I truly enjoyed reading Backstage at the Lincoln Assassination after having read nearly twenty books which cover an assortment of topics related to the assassination. Over the years I have frequently wondered what happened to the actors; stagehands; and theatre owners after Lincoln was assassinated on April 14; 1865 (particularly since many of them were arrested in the aftermath) and Bogar did a wonderful job of telling their side of the story. I would easily recommend this to anyone who is interested in Lincolns assassination and the numerous characters involved; however; it would probably help if the reader had a little more than a vague idea of the events surrounding Lincolns death at the hands of John Wilkes Booth simply because a little background information might make it easier to follow along with the book. That being said; I sincerely enjoyed Bogars book and the unique approach it took to an assassination that has been written about hundreds--if not thousands--of times.