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Gutter Auteur: The Films of Andy Milligan

ePub Gutter Auteur: The Films of Andy Milligan by Rob Craig; Foreword by Robert Patrick in Arts-Photography


At the turn of the century; German popular entertainment was a realm of unprecedented opportunity for Jewish performers. This 2006 study explores the terms of their engagement and pays homage to the many ways in which German Jews were instrumental in the birth of an incomparably rich world of popular culture. It traces the kaleidoscope of challenges; opportunities and paradoxes Jewish men and women faced in their interactions with predominantly gentile audiences. Modern Germany was a society riddled by conflicts and contradictory impulses; continuously torn between desires to reject; control and celebrate individual and collective difference. This book demonstrates that an analysis of popular entertainment can be one of the most innovative ways to trace this complicated negotiation throughout a period of great social and political turmoil.

#1564334 in eBooks 2012-11-27 2012-11-27File Name: B00ARA8UPK

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. A Quiet Observer of PeopleBy Ann M.Patrisha McLean has a quiet; empathetic way of illuminating peoples lives; revealing in a few words and pictures exactly what makes them tick. Photo-essays dont get any better than this.In her small Maine town; McLeans neighbor Evelyn Richards cares for the worlds children by refurbishing discarded dolls. Imero Gobbato spends years painting an imaginary world. And Chuck Berry; who creatively recycles items from the town dump; was "green" long before it became fashionable.Like any good interviewer; McLean renders herself nearly invisible as she works. This quietly poignant book of oral histories already seems a classic; an ode to a vanishing way of life that would make a wonderful gift for anyone who values community.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. CaptivatingBy C. ChittaThis is a juicy page-turner. The photos add a third and in some cases a fourth dimension to each brief biography and interview.Thats another thing I really like about this book. The author doesnt dwell too long on any one person; so it moves on swiftlyto the next captivating personality. Great insights to peoples lives you would never guess just looking at them on the street.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. A beautiful; heartfelt collection of words and imagesBy M. J. BronsteinPatrisha McLeans "Maine Street;" is a book that shines a unique spotlight on the people that live in Camden; Maine. McLeans background as a journalist; along with her many years of refining a compassionate photographers eye; together create this moving collection of portraits. Not just for those who are interested in Maine or Camden; "Maine Street" is a book that lingers long after you read it: Patrishas portraits are intimate; soulful and completely heartfelt. A beautiful gift for aspiring photographers; journalists; lovers of Maine; New England; and life in a quintessential small town.

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