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#3130965 in eBooks 2013-02-06 2013-02-06File Name: B00A455EDO
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four StarsBy Sue A.Thank you!2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Parker and NYCBy T.J.A Journey into Dorothy Parkers New York is an excellent primer to those who are not entirely familiar with Parker; the Algonquin Round Table or New York in the writers heyday between the wars. Although the book only touches on a wide range of topics within the writers life and within the ever-changing landscape of the literary side of New York City; fans of Parker will get just as much enjoyment out of this book as newcomers to her work.The books layout provides plenty of room for photos; maps; postcards and other notes of interest in Parkers life; though it does seem at times the layout is reminiscent of an elementary school social studies book. The key highlights of this book is that it not only gives you Parkers place in her own timeline; but her place in the current events that were swirling around her; whether it was while she lived in New York or wrote screenplays in Hollywood.Although this book is a celebration of a beloved figure in twentieth century literature and how the city shaped her life and career; it also presents the way that New York is always trying to reinvent itself; moving out the aged and in with the latest trends. More than half of the locations in this book that play a pivotal role in Parkers life no longer exist; and much of the rest have been repurposed to fit a more modern lifestyle; one that doesnt have as much of a need for residential hotels or tiny theaters with less than 200 seats. But it shows that as much as it seems transformed now; the city was doing the exact same thing in Parkers time; and her work was influenced both directly and indirectly by it.2 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Much more then just a guide book.By LynxI expected this to be a simple but delightful little guide book but what I got was so much more.Fitzpatrick covers all of Dorothys life story as well as an account of the cities residential buildings; offices; restaurants and theatres where she frequented. Since much of Dorothys history involves those in the "vicious circle" you also learn about the other members of the round table. Also included are fascinating historical photos of the cities development as well as photos of what it looks like today. He even manages to include Dorothys own writing; helping to make the cities locations come to life.The most disappointing things about this book was that it had to end. Highly recommend to all Parker fans as well as anyone interested in learning more about the Vicious Circle or about life in NYC from the 1920s-1960s.