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Hard Art; DC 1979

PDF Hard Art; DC 1979 by Lucian Perkins in Arts-Photography


Pier Luigi Nervi (1891-1979) è lingegnere italiano più celebre del XX secolo. A partire dal 1952; raggiunto lapice della propria carriera di progettista e di imprenditore in Italia; Nervi decide di inserirsi nel mondo accademico e professionale degli Stati Uniti. Intraprende così un percorso che lo porta a costruirsi una fama oltreoceano: promuove la diffusione dei suoi scritti e delle sue opere sulle principali riviste americane; rafforza lamicizia con colleghi quali Pietro Belluschi; Marcel Breuer; Mario Salvadori e José Luis Sert e tiene conferenze nelle più prestigiose università statunitensi. Nel 1962 la Harvard University gli conferisce la Cattedra Charles Eliot Norton. Tra il 1958 e il 1976; grazie alla notorietà raggiunta; lo Studio Nervi riesce ad ottenere e gestire importanti incarichi di consulenza per la costruzione di grandi strutture negli Stati Uniti. Questo volume analizza come Nervi sia riuscito a esportare unidea di costruzione; connotata dallinconfondibile originalità degli edifici realizzati; di grandissimo successo commerciale. Nel ventennio di attività condotte dallo Studio Nervi negli Stati Uniti è racchiusa una parte rilevante della storia dei rapporti tra la cultura dellingegneria italiana del dopoguerra e la pratica architettonica e costruttiva doltreoceano oltre che tra accademia e professione e; non ultimo; tra committenti e studi di progettazione.Alberto Bologna; architetto e dottore di ricerca in Storia dellarchitettura e dellurbanistica; è collaboratore scientifico post-doc presso il Laboratoire de Théorie et dHistoire 3 allÉcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

#2037622 in eBooks 2013-06-11 2013-06-11File Name: B00D8DOXEK

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Love this!!!!By CustomerSuper fun for Harry Potter fans who are retreading or want to Terras the books. The theories are fun and point out some things that you might not have noticed before. Love this book!!22 of 24 people found the following review helpful. Like discussing the books with your looniest friendsBy Blake PetitReading this book is like sitting around talking over the Harry Potter mystery with some of your zaniest friends.The authors do a chapter-by-chapter breakdown of each chapter of each book and points out everything that is a clue; could potentially turn out to be a clue or that just seems interesting. They delve into the meanings of the names of the characters and places; advancing the theory that nothing in these books is named capriciously; and even spend a little time in wild speculation about what may lay in book 5 and beyond.The writing style feels a little too cutesy at times -- with the proliferation of smiley faces I got the feeling that I was reading one giant transcript of a fan website... which; now that I think about it; I probably was. And some of the theories go so completely wild that you�re left chuckling at them; certain that they�re reading WAY too much into certain details. Their thoughts about Remus Lupin and Rita Skeeter in particular seem totally out of left field to me.But you know what? That�s okay. When you�re talking about the fantastic Harry Potter series with your friends; you DO throw out looney ideas; the loonier the better. And there�s always the chance that some of the stuff I think is totally out there could turn out to be exactly right. Part of the fun is going to be finding out.16 of 18 people found the following review helpful. A New Paradigm!By Clare PawlingYesterday; in one short evening; the first eight chapters of this book took "Harry Potter"; for me; from impulse speed to full warp (thank you Star Trek). In a mere forty pages of the full-size book; Galadriel Waters has proven to me that the HP "septology" is a full-blown "Epic Mystery"; containing mysteries; puzzles; clues; names; and numbers that present meanings on many levels; all for the "HP Sleuth" to find. As I read in this book; I observed that it was instilling in me the detectives analytical -- yet fun-loving! -- mindset; enabling me by example to ferret out J.K. Rowlings more-or-less concealed clues. These stories -- one epic story; really -- seem to be leading the reader to an inevitable destination; what will it prove to be? While Waters does point out individual clues that the reader might have missed; she more importantly coaches ones to become sensitive to the larger Mystery questions; the ones that cannot be answered by a few localized clues. Among others: Why did Voldemort wish to kill baby Harry in the first place? What was Hagrid doing borrowing a motorcycle from Sirius Black? What is the true nature of Severus Snape? And Waters accomplishes all this in a book-by-book; chapter-by-chapter format; so that if you have read only HP Year 1; and you read only that part of Waters book; the other; later books will not be spoiled for you. As thoughtfully as I had been reading and re-re-reading HP 1-4; I now know that I had missed a lot. Now; what a richer ride! Thank you; Ms. Waters!

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