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High-Rise Living in Asian Cities

audiobook High-Rise Living in Asian Cities by From Springer in Arts-Photography


No other book for actors focuses so succinctly on the business of self-management. Whether an actor has an agent or manager or is building toward assembling that team; "Self-Management for Actors" will provide a roadmap for surviving--and thriving--in the entertainment industry. There is nothing magic or even a little mystical about the business side of the business. There is; however; a cloak of protection around some industry information. The good news is; "the edge" that actors are seeking is in your hands already! Knowing your type; researching the target buyers of that primary type; staying on the radar in organic and meaningful ways; producing your own content to showcase what you do effortlessly; and learning how to network like a ninja is all within your control! Sure; theres work involved; but once you come at it from a place of owning your "bullseye;" it doesnt feel like work. It feels like living your dreams! These self-management principles are simple; accessible; and do-able! No silly "actor busy work" here; SMFA is about balancing your creative fire with the organizational skills that will allow you to navigate this business without "leading from need;" as so many actors tend to do. Peppered with real-world examples from working actors and behind-the-desk advice from industry pros; "Self-Management for Actors" has quickly become the most well-worn book on every actors bookshelf. Author Bonnie Gillespie has taught the SMFA principles all over the world; helping actors navigate tier-jumps from the very beginnings of their creative careers on up through crafting that first acceptance speech! With a pocket companion guide and interactive support; this book is an actors best friend. Its Hollywood grad school... in book form!

#3971740 in eBooks 2011-02-02 2011-02-02File Name: B00F8K1KV0

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Four StarsBy John E. OloughlinAn excellent discussion of many of Techines films.

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