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Idealstauml;dte verschiedener Epochen (German Edition)

ePub Idealstauml;dte verschiedener Epochen (German Edition) by Bjouml;rn Seewald in Arts-Photography


With just thirteen feature films in half a century; Stanley Kubrick established himself as one of the most accomplished directors in motion picture history. Kubrick created a landmark and a benchmark with every film; working in almost every genre imaginable; including film noir; war movie; SF; horror; period drama; historical epic; love story and satire - yet transcended traditional genre boundaries with every shot. Examining every feature film; from the early shorts through to classics such as Paths of Glory; Dr Strangelove; 2001: A Space Odyssey; A Clockwork Orange; The Shining; Full Metal Jacket and finally; Eyes Wide Shut; The Complete Kubrick provides a unique insight into understanding the work of cinemas most enigmatic; iconoclastic and gifted auteur.

#4427802 in eBooks 2007-07-04 2007-07-04File Name: B00BFR5UI4

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Highly recommended!By Penquin PThis book "spoke" to me! It is easy to read and encourages me to find my perfect job; based on my likes and dislikes. It is the best self-help book for my search to narrow down my ideal career niche and job! Thanks!

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