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Ink and Light: The Influence of Claude Lorrain's Etchings on England

ePub Ink and Light: The Influence of Claude Lorrain's Etchings on England by Andrew Brink in Arts-Photography


An einem Maiabend der Extravaganz vor hundert Jahren erschuuml;tterte die skandalouml;se Premiere von Le Sacre du printemps Paris; das Epizentrum von Kultur und Mode schlechthin.Die Nachbeben waren in der ganzen Welt spuuml;rbar. Nicht schlecht fuuml;r eine Ballettauffuuml;hrung! Allerdings bot die Choreografie kein traditionelles Herumgetrippel in Tuuml;ll und rosa Spitzenschuhen. Vielmehr war sie die gewagte Provokation einer genialen Avantgardedreifaltigkeit: Komponist Igor Strawinsky; Choreograf Wazlaw Nijinsky (der erste mauml;nnliche Ballettgott) und Impresario Sergei Diaghilew; der Gruuml;nder der Ballets Russes. Das Stuuml;ck war mit groszlig;er Spannung erwartet worden und das Publikum schon im Vorfeld hoch erregt. Als sich dann der Vorhang hob; brach auf den Sitzen ein wahrer Buuml;rgerkrieg aus; ein Tohuwabohu orgiastischer Buhrufe; Pfeifens; Zwischengebruuml;lls und Klatschens erfuuml;llte den Saal. Es war nicht das erste und nicht das letzte Mal; dass ein Publikum revoltierte; und doch steht dieser Abend fuuml;r einen Moment der Neupositionierung; der das junge Jahrhundert entzweite: Er lauml;utete die Geburt der Moderne ein und verkuuml;ndete das Ende der Belle Eacute;poque.Was passierte an jenem aufwieglerischen Abend; und warum schlauml;gt er uns ein ganzes Jahrhundert spauml;ter noch immer in seinen Bann?

#4091342 in eBooks 2013-09-01 2013-09-01File Name: B00G0M39OG

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful. The book is fun to readBy Priam FarllThe book begins with a "Whos Who In the Cast;" a list of the theatre people who will be be quoted throughout the book. The authors describe Anne Kaufman Schneider as "the daughter of playwright Irving Kaufman." In point of fact; she is the daughter of playwright George S. Kaufman and the wife of Irving Schneider. That error is on page xxi. I knew from that moment that the book was well-meaning but historically unreliable. The book is fun to read; just sloppy. Too bad.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A treasureBy Russell J. SandersIrsquo;ve often wished I had sat down with my father; gotten him to start talking about his childhood; his war years; his early married life. This is what memories are made of. And this is what strengthens families and gives us framework. Alas; I didnrsquo;t do so. Thus my life is infinitely poorer; and his life is virtually lost to future generations. Myrna Katz Frommer and Harvey Frommer have given us a wonderful book with It Happened on Broadway: An Oral History of the Great White Way. Composed of nothing but transcripts of theater people sitting around talking; this book is invaluable. It is that narrative we want from our fathers; our mothers. It fills us in. We learn about the theater from the horsesrsquo; mouths. As a theater buff; a true student of the theater; and; indeed; a child of theater; this is my theater family history. Granted; I never met any of these people; but reading what they have to say is like listening to family members expound on the great and not so great experiences of their lives. Published in 1998; this oral history is important for it preserves memories of so many who are now gone. We hear from legendary composer Fred Ebb (Cabaret; Chicago;) successful producer Cy Feuer (Wherersquo;s Charley?; Guys and Dolls;) movie star/dancer Marge Champion (wife of Gower Champion; director of Hello Dolly!;) amazing lyricist Betty Comden (On the Town; Bells Are Ringing;) celebrated actor Charles Durning (Inherit the Wind; That Championship Season;) and many more who are no longer with us. Like those of my father; their memories would be lost (at least to us; the readers) had they not been included in this book. Joining them are others who are still with us like Carol Channing; Linda Lavin; Donna McKechnie; and many others. The Broadway theater discussed here runs the gamut from shows produced in the 1920s to the 1990s; providing a wealth of knowledge and insight into how the theater works. This wonderful book should be on every theater loverrsquo;s bookshelf; plus anyone who has only a mild interest in theater will find it fun; not to mention theater scholars who can mine it for their research. It Happened on Broadway is a treasure!1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Broadway! Broadway! A GREAT Book!By JoAnn AdamsI LOVE this book! It has many conversations among really famous Broadway stars; producers; directors and more. The conversations are historical; personal and fascinating. The Frommers have done an excellent job of oral history with "It Happened on Broadway."

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