Politica e cinema; calcio e giornalismo; cultura e cucina; uomini e donne; i must che fanno dellItalia un paese da invidiare. Una terra dove tutti sembrano vivere in un sogno dolce e prolungato. Questo saggio divertente e ironico; spiega come mai gli italiani sono cosigrave; tanto amaramente odiati dagli stranieri. E come mai gli stranieri vorrebbero essere come gli italiani.A comporre questa opera Mario Roma; uno pseudonimo che cela un collettivo di giornalisti e scrittori italiani attenti lettori del quotidiano.
#3622242 in eBooks 2012-11-12 2012-11-12File Name: B00A6K208O
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Im a Basset Hound fanaticBy KimberleyYou should know that. The photos in this book made me smile because they captured so brilliantly the quirky personality of the Basset Hound. Theyre natural clowns; and they know it. They are lazy and loving; and absolutely the best companion one could hope for; unless one is hoping for a running buddy. Then you might want to look elsewhere. Anyone who has ever been owned by or loved a Basset Hound will appreciate the photographs and the sentiments in this book. Loved it! Ive recently purchased the follow up volume.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Howlinggggg CuteBy MWCWe love our Basset Hounds and whats not to love about a picture book on a cute Basset Hound.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Dog; Dogs; DogsBy Penny JohnsonI bought this book because the writer put what I wrote for my dog in the book. It was the way owners feel about their dogs. It was very good.