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La Fontana di Trevi - Ein Mythos? (German Edition)

PDF La Fontana di Trevi - Ein Mythos? (German Edition) by Kristin Hofer in Arts-Photography


Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich Geowissenschaften / Geographie - Bevouml;lkerungsgeographie; Stadt- u. Raumplanung; Note: 1;7; Christian-Albrechts-Universitauml;t Kiel (Geographisches Institut); Sprache: Deutsch; Abstract: Die Debatte um die derzeitig existierende Bevouml;lkerung ist umfangreich. Kontrovers diskutiert wird die Frage; ob die derzeitig existierende Bevouml;lkerung die Grouml;szlig;e besitzt; die fuuml;r eine Gesellschaft angemessen ist. Interessant hierbei sind Aspekte der globalen Verteilung der Bevouml;lkerung und die damit verbundenen Probleme der Armut; des Hungers und der allgemeinen Not. Nachfolgend soll zunauml;chst auf den Begriff der bdquo;Tragfauml;higkeitldquo; eingegangen werden; wobei auch die verschiedenen Formen; die dieser Begriff annehmen kann; thematisiert werden. Tragfauml;higkeit besitzt keine einheitliche Definition; jedoch wird im Laufe dieser Arbeit deutlich mit welchem Ausmaszlig; an Wichtigkeit dieser Begriff in der heutigen Zeit verbunden ist. Thomas Robert MALTHUS und Ester BOSERUP; die sich intensiv mit dem Bevouml;lkerungswachstum und dessen Folgen beschauml;ftigt haben; werden ein Bestandteil dieser vorliegenden Arbeit sein. Anhand ihrer Theorien werden die Ursachen und die Konsequenzen von Bevouml;lkerungswachstum veranschaulicht; bevor schlieszlig;lich ein aktueller Bezug veranschaulichen wird; inwiefern das Thema der Uuml;berbevouml;lkerung und die damit verbundene Menge an produzierten Nahrungsmitteln noch heute relevant ist. Kann durch Einsatz von gruuml;ner Gentechnik langfristig der Hunger der Welt gestillt werden?

#4476749 in eBooks 2011-01-24 2011-01-24File Name: B00BSIEI06

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. A celebration of the refractor telescope.By R. Stephen FranksNeil English has a passion for refractors and he isnt afraid to sing its praises!Nowadays; it would seem that refractors have taken a back seat to more popular; compact designs like the Schmidt-Cass; Maksutov; or amateur astronomys workhorse; the Newtonian. But Mr. English pleads the case for the iconic refractor and the quality of its still superior images. He covers every design type with in-depth chapters ranging from; the history of the refractor; the traditional classical f/15 refractor; instruments of faster ratios; special dispersion glass; apochromatics; and the future of the refracting telescope. English also devotes chapters to the refractors peculiarity of design and presents a strong case as to why the venerable; classical f/15 refractor still reigns supreme. The closing chapter covers the classical refractors more recent popularity and quiet comeback.Neil English loves refractors and his enthusiasm sometimes leaps off the page. But; his work is methodical and he backs his observations and examples with hard evidence; calling on optical experts and professional astronomers to rally for his cause.If you are a hardcore refractor man; Neil English is preaching to the choir. If you are considering purchasing a refractor; this book is a revelation. If you like telescopes; this book is simply a joy to read.I have been a dedicated refractor owner; and user; for more than 34 years. Looking through a long focus; "classical" refractor for the first time is an experience that is truly sublime. And; it stays with some amateur astronomers for a lifetime.5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Buy this book!By Michael R. NofiIf you are a refractor affectionado you will love this book. I have used telescopes for over 45 years and I thought I knew everything about refractors and I was wrong (e.g. defocus tolerance and the affects on seeing). The book has a breezy writing style that is upbeat and fun to read. Mr. Neil English is passionate about refractors and it is infectious! My only complaint is that the book places too much emphasis on reviewing telescopes (which will become outdate over time) and I would like to seen more emphasis on testing and optical performance theory. To the authors credit he did an excellent job explaining complex optical theory in a very digestable manner. A few typos were noted and some of the graphs were hard to decipher (due to lack of a color legend). Most of the books emphasis is on visual observing and not digital imaging. Some readeres may not agree with the author that the old telescopes were in many cases better than the new genera of APOs. I do agree with the authors statement that a properly made achromat with a slow f/ratio is really hard to beat for depth of focus; sharpness and contrast. I have seen it with my own eyes! When the book came to an end I found myself wanting more.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Read this before buying your scope.By T. McRaeBooks in this series are about 10%-20% too expensive; but the size of this publishers market is small; and given the quality of the information; the images and the authors style; I would definitely purchase this book again. I was planning to read it through systematically; but my curiosity for what came next drove me rapidly forward; and now I must go back and move ahead with pen in hand; underlining whats important for me. The author details carefully the differences between models and types of optical tubes that virtual beginners like me might too easily gloss over or overlook entirely. Refractors are but one of the three basic types of telescope; newcomers should learn about all three types before making a serious purchasing decision. This text belongs in every amateur astronomers library.

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