Contemporarydiscussions of the image like to emphasize arts societal functions. Fewstudies come close to answering why pictures and sculptures fascinate andintrigue regardless of any practical functions they might serve. In thisoriginal; thought-provoking study; Paul Crowther reveals the intrinsicsignificance of pictures and sculptures. To address thequestion of how painting becomes an art; Crowther uses the analytic philosophyof Richard Wollheim as a starting point. But to sufficiently answer thequestion; he makes an important link to a tradition much more successful ingiving voice to the deeper ontology of visual art - existential phenomenology. The result is a work that demonstrates thereciprocal relationship between phenomenology and analytic aesthetics. Toexpand its ontological scope and solve the problem of expression; analytic aestheticsneeds phenomenology; while to develop a sustained; critically balanced; andintellectually available ontology; phenomenology needs the discursive force andlucidity of analytic philosophy. This convincing case for a post-analyticphenomenology of art is an important advancement of contemporary discussions ofthe philosophy of art.
2013-01-24 2013-01-24File Name: B00B5N4944
0 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy joanieLoved it23 of 24 people found the following review helpful. Great book; but not properly titledBy Avid readerFirst off; what fun! A handbook of all the well-dressed gentleman must to wear it; how to buy it and the even where to buy it!The title; though; is misleading: "History of Mens Fashion." It should be called; "The Guide to the Modern Gentlemans Essentials." I should have read the SUBTITLE--"What the Well-Dressed Man is Wearing." This is indeed a contradiction. Fashion guide for the modern man OR a history of fashion?I took this to be a *history* of mens fashion. What the main label says is not is what is in the tin. I expected a history of modern menswear dating from; say; the 1500s to the modern day. Not so. This is a how-to book on modern mens traditional garb: the suit; the waistcoat; trousers; etc. This book discusses modern clothing with snippets of history contributing to modern menswear.That said; it is a marvelous compendium of the minutiae of the essential items of the well-dressed man--no item escapes discussion; even down to the pocket handkerchief.There are sprinklings of history along the way. But--tsk; tsk--to write a book on the history of mens fashion and fail to mention the Count DOrsay; an influential fashion trend-setter of the first third of the 19th century; is tragic. (One might have expected a discussion of the Counts signature turn-back cuffs next to the picture of the cocktail cuff.) On the other hand; there is much discussion of the earlier George "Beau" Brummell; who is the patron saint of the modern three-piece suit.A very nice; amusing and well-organized guide for the modern man and I give it 5 stars as a rating--with a caveat. This is NOT a history of mens clothing but mainly a style guide.3 of 4 people found the following review helpful. Written not to be read; but to be soldBy Russell J.If you are just starting to become interested in mens fashion; this is not a good book for you. It takes a narrow view of the field; from about the two-yard mark to the goal line during the first five minutes of the second quarter. And if you are already familiar with the literature of mens fashion; this is not a good book for you. It adds nothing in scope or depth to what youve read elsewhere. Storeys book is a rehash of familiar anecdotes and dated biases relayed from the writers dusty closet as it appeared (and likely still is) in 1937. I cant imagine any reader who could benefit by reading this book.