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Landscapes and Cities: Rural Settlement and Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Italy

PDF Landscapes and Cities: Rural Settlement and Civic Transformation in Early Imperial Italy by John R. Patterson in Arts-Photography


The first two centuries AD are conventionally thought of as the "golden age" of the Roman Empire; yet Italy in this period has often been seen as being in a state of decline and even crisis. This book investigates the relationships between city and countryside in Italy in the early Empire; using evidence from literary texts and inscriptions; and the wealth of data derived from archaeological field surveys over recent years. Looking at individual towns and regions as well as at the broader picture; and stressing the diversity of situations across Italy; John R. Patterson examines how changing patterns of building and benefaction in the cities were related to developments in the country; and underlines the resourcefulness of the cities; both large and small; in seeking to maintain and develop their civic traditions.

#4248187 in eBooks 2006-12-07 2006-12-04File Name: B000TRGSPK

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Five StarsBy innaThis book has a perfect quality of illustrations.0 of 2 people found the following review helpful. Three StarsBy dawngood drawings24 of 26 people found the following review helpful. Giant Disappointment!By warzooIm a new admirer of Redon. I was truly excited to get this book so I could pour over the many bizarre and beautiful images I would find within its pages. I cannot tell you how disappointed I am with the poor quality of reproductions. Its a cheap book; I get it---but wow. The image quality is about as good a 10 cent black and white copy youd get from the library copy machine. The delicacy is missing. The luminous quality which makes his work so stunning; brilliant; and unearthly is completely absent. I guess what was most disappointing is how vacant and lifeless the work appears. I really cant believe it.Even though there arent a lot of books available on Redon; but Im pretty certain this particular one will be returned. I find no joy looking through it. I should have known better than to purchase a $15 art book. I have ordered; but have yet to receive; the Redon book "As In Dream" and heres hoping its not a let down; too.

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