From the New Yorkerrsquo;s inimitable first pop music critic comes this pioneering collection of essays by a conscientious writer whose political realm is both radical and rational; and whose prime preoccupations are with rock rsquo;nrsquo; roll; sexuality; and above all; freedom. Here Ellen Willis assuredly captures the thrill of music; the disdain of authoritarian culture; and the rebellious spirit of the rsquo;60s and rsquo;70s.
#1986647 in eBooks 2012-10-30 2012-10-30File Name: B00BG297TQ
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. SyntheticBy Rex KoontzA well-argued treatise on the time of art historians. Reminiscent in some ways of earlier treatments of art historical time (Kublers Shape of Time); and yet this book goes much further in integrating the problems posed by the iconographical method to a sophisticated historical framework.0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A new way to understand artBy Maria del Carmen Calderoacute;nA new perspective on art history; it helps understand contemporary art. Clear and profound; wonderful lecture!!0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. SuperBy Cliente de Great!